Hey! Scottie...!

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AU: Scott walks in on Stiles and Derek ;)



It was half seven and it was way too dark outside. Stiles' door was closed but the hallway light was on, unlike his own light.

Stiles sat on his bed, researching wolfsbane for the pack to see if they could use the plentiful amount of those flowers that grew near the charred hale house to their advantage.

So far it was going well, he had actually found a healing type of wolfsbane but it was quite rare.

In reality, he was researching to pass the time as he was waiting for Derek. He usually stopped by around now to watch tv or snuggle, you know, typical boyfriend things.

Except for the fact that he came through the window, or that he sometimes liked to startle Stiles when he came out the shower by standing in a dark corner of the room and flashing his alpha eyes. That would usually be followed by Derek trying to turn Stiles on as much as possible so he could see his hard-on through the towel, which lead to sex of course.

No one knew about them. Both liked the idea of a secret relationship for the time being and it made things exciting. It made Stiles a little guilty that Scott didn't know, but he'd rather Scott not react like typical Scott and hate Derek for it.

Speaking of Derek, a dark figure sat on Stiles' window sill, feet dangling against the blue wall. "Hey Bambi." He said, face hidden against the moonlight. Stiles had asked him once why he sometimes called him 'bambi', Derek had responded: "You have big doe eyes, like Bambi" and stiles' had just laughed.

"Hey Der, you've seemed to have lost your shirt." He said, closing his laptop and standing up, Derek jumping down and striding over to greet him with a kiss on the nose.

"I like to run without it ...and I thought you might prefer it also." He smirked as Stiles ran his hands on his chest like he always did, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips on his chest and leaving goosebumps.

"Sourwolf." Stiles teased, earning a playful growl from the alpha and a flash of eyes, which Derek knew turned him on.

Stiles couldn't take it anymore, he slipped his arms around Derek and kissed him passionately on the mouth, the wolf returning the kiss immediately and wrapping his arms around Stiles' waist, squeezing his ass a bit and making him blush.

"God your so fucking cute." Derek growled, deepening the kiss so he could explore the boy's mouth.

The only thing Derek was paying attention to- despite his werewolf senses- was Stiles. He did not hear Scott open the front door, or him making his way up the stairs. He also did not notice Scott until he opened the bedroom door.

"Hey Stiles, why is D- OHMYGOD!" He shouted, the couple still in an embrace, both frozen.

Stiles let out a nervous laugh. "Hey! Scottie...!"

They looked at each other and broke apart, Stiles blushing profusely and Derek enjoying this despite their secret out. "Oh hey Scott, could you come back later? Now isn't a good time." He smirked.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on." He said, turning on the bedroom light and sitting on the bed expectantly.

"isn't it obvious Scott?" Derek smiled, wanting to record this because it was priceless.

Stiles glared at Derek. He wasn't helping. "Derek and I are dating. He is my boyfriend."

Scott crossed his arms. "Since when?"

Stiles shifted and looked away. "two months..." He mumbled quietly but Scott heard it perfectly.

"two months!" He shouted, making Stiles flinch at the sudden outburst of noise. "When were you gonna tell me?!"

It wasn't stiles, but Derek who answered, "When he felt comfortable telling you. If he's uncomfortable being open, then you should respect that." He growled, putting a protective arm around him. No one talks to Stiles like that.

Scott sighed in defeat, He was right. "I'm sorry man. I just- we tell each other anything and I don't know man. But if is what you want, then I guess I'll go with it." He said, hugging Stiles.

"Thanks bro." He mumbled, relieved. That went better than imagined.

Scott turned to Derek, flashing his golden eyes. "But if you hurt my brother, I'll castrate you."

Derek rolled his eyes as Scott jumped out of the window.

Once he was gone, he turned back to his boyfriend with a mischievous look, running his hands under his shirt, stopping at the hem. "Shall we pick up where we left off?" He purred seductively.


The three walked into the loft the next day, they bought pizza for the pack, who were waiting in the living room and smelling of hunger.

"Hey guys, we've got food." Stiles enthused, Derek looked at him with an amusing smile on his face. Stiles was basically the light to his darkness, he made any normal thing seem happy.

Everything seemed fine, until Peter opened his mouth. "Hey look its Romeo, Julio and the third wheel. By the way Derek, how does the closet smell like?" He teased which caused a round of laughter. Derek growled and flashed his eyes.

Stiles was bright red, he turned to Scott in a harsh whisper. "You told them?!"

Scott put his hand up in defense. "Dude, I swear on baby Jesus I did not."

"That's right, I saw you two choking on each others tongues in Stiles' room when I was looking for you so I told them." Erica said, smiling.

Derek and Stiles looked at each other a little awkwardly. Scott just laughed. Dickhead.

"Ooh! And I took a picture as well!" She squealed, showing them and the pack, who were dying of laughter at their embarrassment.

In the photo, Stiles and Derek were both in an embrace. The kiss looked good, they were both smiling. Derek's eyes were closed and his hands were clutching at Stiles' bright red hoodie.

"You guys are so cute!" Lydia squealed motioning them to sit down on the sofa, where there was a space for the both of them, next to Isaac.

Fuck it. Derek thought as he led Stiles to the couch, holding his hand lightly as Peter 'awwwww'd. If Peter didn't shut up, Derek would snap his neck.

The pack were already attacking the pizza as Isaac put in a DVD. Once Derek was full he leaned his head against Stiles, nuzzling the crook of his neck. He wrapped an arm around him as the movie played, ignoring the 'aww's of the pack and the fact that they were taking pictures.

Stiles was still blushing, Derek fought the urge to just pick him up and take him into his bedroom for eternity so he settled with a slow and sweet kiss on the mouth.

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