I Just Want to Feel Loved

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AU: Stiles feels a little depressed after an argument with his father, he just wants to feel loved. A witch grants his wish.



Stiles stared down at the small river, his reflection ever-rippling in the lazy water. He was having a really bad day and he just wanted to feel happy.

The fight with his father had left them both bitter, stiles announcing that he was going to the pack meeting and his father muttering about being safe. It probably didn't mean anything specific but it had still rubbed Stiles the wrong way. He had demanded what he had meant by that and things had escalated from there.

The argument had resulted in him being late to the pack meeting and having his best friend snap at him. "That's not an excuse." Scott had said when Stiles had told him why he was late, Stiles then replying "Well that's why I was late scotty, so the truth is a pretty good excuse to me." He had sassed back, Scott telling him to shut up.

Scott usually wasn't like this, Stiles knew he was in a bad mood because of the witches that had moved to town. They didn't really do anything but it had still made the pack weary.

The pack meeting was snappish and annoying, Ethan and Aiden constantly telling stiles to shut up and telling him that he was a human so he technically wasn't part of the pack. This resulted in Derek getting annoyed and telling the pack to stop acting like six year olds.

Of course Derek didn't defend Stiles, he only wanted the pack to shut up. Stiles thought that all Derek saw in him was a puny human that was only there because Scott pitied him, Derek would never return Stiles' feelings towards him and these thoughts just ended up making stiles even more sad.

Tears fell into the stream as Stiles sat there with his head bowed, regretting his life choices and wishing he could be someone else, wishing his mom hadn't of died and wishing he could feel loved.

"I just want to feel loved." He whispered.

"Wish granted." A voice behind him spoke. Stiles stood up and spun around, facing what he now realised was one of the witches.

"Wait, what?!" He half shouted.

She smiled and winked, then she was gone.

Stiles ran to the loft to tell the pack about his encounter with the witch, he hoped they were still there as he ran up the stairs and burst into the room, getting the packs undivided attention.

Scott sprung up and smiled, running towards his best friend. "Stiles!" He shouted, tackling him into a hug.

And there was more arms around him now, the whole pack were squeezing the life out of him minus Derek, who just stood there with his eyebrows raised.

"My ribs-ah!" Stiles wheezed and they were immediately off him, apologising and asking him of he was okay, blaming the others for hurting him.

Kira, Allison, Lydia and Malia dragged him away to the couch, where they began to fawn over him. The other males looked dangerously jealous.

This was obviously the work of the witch but Stiles wondered why alpha #2 (he liked to call Scott alpha #1 and Derek alpha #2 to tease them.) wasn't being overly affectionate to him. Come to think of it, stiles thought from the couch, he looks pretty pissed off.

Scott was going to the store to get snacks and Stiles asked him to bring Isaac and the twins along, to that Scott had nodded vigorously and promised Stiles he'd buy him snacks. This then turned into a competition of who could please stiles the best as they argued while running to their vehicles.

Derek folded his arms and glared at the girls who were stroking his hair, is ex girlfriend was even lying on his lap and wondering out loud why they even broke up.

"What did you do?" He hissed, causing Malia to growl at him and the other three hug him close and glare at Derek.

Stiles sighed. "I was having a real shitty day so I went to the stream in the woods to think and I saw a witch, she did this." Stiles gestured to the four girls around him, Lydia giggled and Kira just smiled at him.

Derek seethed. "But why? Why this?" He wondered aloud.

"He wanted to feel loved." The witch said behind, making Derek jump about six inches and Stiles utter a very manly squeak of surprise.

"make this stop." Derek growled at her, she didn't seem fazed though.

She quirked her eyebrow at him. "Why should I?" She asked with the shrug of her shoulders.

Derek flashed his eyes and growled louder, making stiles flinch a little.

The witch gave Derek an amused smirk and nodded to herself, agreeing in an internal conversation with herself. "The spell ends by the end of the day. Cao!" She grinned and clicked her fingers, vanishing.

"So I guess we have to wait till midnight." Stiles muttered, checking his watch. It was nearly ten, maybe this wouldn't be so bad?


This was bad and Derek hated it.

It was ten to twelve and the pack were touching him all over and it made Derek want to jump out the window in aggravation. He could barely smell the kid because all of their creepily aroused scents were stinking up his scent as they rubbed all over him- Derek felt like projectile vomiting.

Stiles was looking like he'd had enough as well because Ethan and Aiden were demanding Stiles answer who he thought looked hotter.

Stiles threw up his hands. "You look exactly the same! I can't even tell you apart most of the time!"

Scott softly nuzzled his friends shoulder, this went on for a few minutes until he jerked back, wide-eyed. The rest of the pack did the same movements and looked at each other. Malia sat up from where her head was on Stiles lap and scrunched her nose. "What am I doing?" She mumbled, raising an eyebrow at her ex.

Stiles sighed with relief but was cut off by Derek yanking him to his feet and dragging him upstairs. Stiles yelped in protest as Derek held his wrist in a tight grip, not letting him go and ignoring his packs questions and confused looks.

Derek pushed him into the nearest wall and before Stiles could tell him he was being an idiot for being mad at him, Derek pressed his lips roughly to his own. His lips kissed at him, hungry and angry.

Wow, Stiles thought contently as his lips were being beautifully assaulted, Explains alot.

they kissed passionately for a long time, stiles' hands slipping around the older mans neck and running his fingers through his hair.

Derek pulled away and buried his face in his neck, occasionally licking it. "They were touching you, you stink of them." He growled, rubbing his face against his jaw, desperately scenting him.

Stiles pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, not knowing what he was sorry for, but feeling sorry all the same. It didn't take a genius to know that Derek was extremely aggravated.

Derek pulled him into a hug. Stiles rubbed his face against his neck, trying to calm him and help with the scenting. "Its okay," he muttered, guiltily thinking about all the times he was harsh to the boy. "You just wanted to feel loved."

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