You're Cute As a Girl (Pt 2)

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A/U: Fem sterek y'all + secret relationship (BTW found this picture. Its a little dirty but I thought it was cute Fucking arrest me okay.)



Stiles sat in her room wearing girl clothes.

Lydia and Allison had let Derek and her borrow clothes, they had made a fuss of colours that fit personality, clothes sizes and putting outfits together along with matching underwear.

Stiles thought it was bullshit of course, but she was wearing red lace panties and matching bra all the same.

She looked over herself in the mirror. Damn I'm hot, she thought contentedly.

"I agree." A voice behind her said. Stiles felt embarrassed that she said that out loud but was happy to see Derek sitting on the window sill, liking what she saw.

"I mean it, but I prefer you as a guy." Stiles smiled at the comment, it made her blush.

"Thanks, Dennis"

Derek scowled, "Ugh, please no." She groaned, sitting on the bed, still looking at Stiles.

Derek had refused any of the skirts or girly tops. She only accepted comfortable underwear and jeans because her pants were way too baggy on her. She had the same leather jacket and her baggy olive shirt was still on but she looked incredibly sexy to Stiles.

They kissed. Their lips felt softer and Stiles did not feel that scratch of stubble she always did when she kissed Derek, it was unsettling.

She pulled away to put some clothes on, knowing with a smug feeling that Derek was totally watching her butt and drooling.

"Aw, you didn't have to put clothes on for me." Derek smiled, giving her a wink.

"You cheeky shit." Stiles muttered, amused. "I'd rather not do that kind of stuff until we are back to being guys. I'd feel more comfortable that way."

"I agree. Your lips feel the same though" Derek said, coming up behind her and giving her butt a little squeeze. "And your ass does too." She purred and Stiles laughed as she turned around, putting her hands underneath Derek's shirt.

Stiles smirked as her hands found themselves on Derek's breasts, she squeezed a little, making the other girl squirm a bit. Stiles sat down.

"You're a fucking tease, Stiles, You know that right-" Derek growled but was cut short by a stabbing pain in her lower abdomen.

"Ah!" She squealed, "What's happening to me?! It hurts!" Derek moaned, clutching her belly.

"Are... Are you on your period?!" Stiles asked, thoughtful, but then she started laughing, hard.

It was really funny to Stiles. She had made tons of Derek-on-his-period jokes and remarks before, but the idea of Derek Hale actually menstruating was too fucking hilarious not to laugh at.

Wiping a tear away, she mumbled "Lydia left some pads, I'll go get them." Still half laughing as Derek snapped at her to shut up.


The pack had met outside Deaton's. Cora had brought Peter (much to Derek's annoyance) and the moment he saw Derek, he burst into fits of laughter. They had to hold Derek back from beating the shit out of him.

Boyd raised his eyebrows at the leggings Derek wore and Derek just shrugged. "It was either that or a skirt or skinny jeans."

Isaac made a teasing smile. "I think you'd look great in a skirt, Derek." Derek glared at him.

"What's up with you Derek?" Scott muttered. "You on your period?"

"Yes." She grumbled, much to the packs surprise, which just set Peter off again.

"Oh my god." Isaac looked grossed out. "Hows it like?"

"Like literally the most disgustingly vile thing that has happened to me, Isaac." Derek snapped, irritated.

Once they made it into the examination room, Deaton began researching the curse in his book.

"Okay. So she was weak, right?" They nodded a 'yes'.

He looked through the old leather binder and smiled, he addressed the newly-females.

"This means that the curse will last about two days, she had probably casted more spells so she was also magically weak. Its already been a day, so tomorrow, except to be a male again."

Stiles sighed, relived. "Oh thank God. I was gonna go crazy if it was any longer."

Okay so I felt like doing a second part :)

Vote/Comment for part 3! :)



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