Chapter 28: Invitation

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After that day when we lied under the dark star filled sky, Seokjin had been bringing me on mini dates and trips since the boys were taking a break after a comeback.

Today was a bit nerve wracking as I sat in the doctor's office waiting for Doctor Kim. The door opened and I saw the doctor walk in with a file of papers.

"Hello Seunghee." He smiled and I smiled back. "Hi."

He sat down and checked his files. "So we got your results back, it was quite a hassle since we had to send the files over from the other hospital but we finally did it." He said.

I nodded and he looked at me, his smiles fades away and he becomes serious. "Seunghee, have you been experiencing any pain in your head or any dizziness?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I feel normal. I don't have any pain nor do I feel nauseous." He nodded as he wrote everything down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at his page for a moment before looking at me with his hands clasped together.

"Your results aren't the best. Somehow, your brainwaves are signaling major stress and pain but you just said so yourself that you feel no pain or any dizziness." He explained and I watched him with all seriousness.

He continued to explain. "It's very difficult to find out what exactly it is since brainwaves usually give out very specific signals but at the moment they are abnormal."

The whole time I just couldn't understand anything the doctor was saying. The next thing he said made me shudder.

"I suggest to have you go under surgery so we can get a closer look at what's going on inside. If we find the problem, we will eliminate it immediately." He said.


I was lying on Seokjin's lap as he sat on the couch in the dorm. "Hyung, where's my phone?" I heard Jungkook calling out in the hallway.

"In the bathroom on the shelf!" Namjoon yelled back and I couldn't think about anything other than what the doctor said a few days ago.

I haven't told Seokjin about anything yet because I didn't want him to worry about me. I agreed to undergo the surgery and treatment for whatever I had.

The doctor told me that the survival chances were pretty even but I told him not to tell me. I didn't want to know what the chances were of me being able to survive, it would've killed me inside anyway.

"Seunghee ah," Seokjin called me and I shook the thoughts out of my head. "Yes?" I looked at him and he smiled.

"We were invited to the annual dinner party at our company and I was wondering if you'd like to come if you were free." He said.

"Company dinner? What about PD nim? Remember what happened before." I said remembering the day when I was on the news and rumored to be dating Seokjin.

"I asked him and he said it's fine since, we're actually together now." He said holding my hand.

Seokjin leaned down to kiss my forehead but Taehyung bent over on the couch and smirked making Seokjin sit right up.

"Ooh Hyung, I see you trying to kiss Seunghee without us noticing." He teased and I couldn't stop laughing at Seokjin's red and embarrassed face but at the same time I knew he was angry at Taehyung for interrupting.

"Taehyung, you have five seconds. One, two, three-" Taehyung grabbed Seokjin's face and kissed him on the cheek before running off leaving Seokjin in a shocked state.

I bursted out laughing until my stomach started to hurt. "Haha... very funny." Seokjin sarcastically rolled his eyes while wiping the area where Taehyung kissed him.

I grabbed his cheeks and turned his face to make him face me. "Aww, Taehyung loves his hyung so much." I said in a aegyo voice as I fixed his hair from the aftermath of what Taehyung did.

He looked at me and then his frown turned into a smile as he chuckled. He held the back of my hand on his cheek then took it and kissed the palm of my hand.

"Ahhh, yuck don't kiss my hand. Oppa, what if my hand was dirty?" I said wiping his mouth with my sleeve.

He watched me wipe his lip and he grinned. "I should do that more often if you'll be doing this." I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"I have to go anyway." I said standing up but Seokjin grabbed my hand. "Are you coming to the dinner gala?"

"Yes, I'll go but I don't have anything really nice to wear." I replied.

He smiled, "Not to worry, we'll go shopping today."

"No, I'll find something to wear from my closet. I probably have something in there." I refused his offer.

He shook his head pouting. "But I want to go shopping with you. I want to see Seunghee in a pretty dress."

"Oppa, I can't let you buy stuff for me all the time. I have a job and I can pay for myself, don't spend too much on me." I said while playing with his hair.

His hands were resting on the bottom of my back as he was sitting in front of me and he leaned in for a hug.

"I love you." He whispered and I blushed at his unexpected confession.

Even though we've been together for a while, those words always gave me butterflies.

He stood up and held my hand smiling, "I'll drop you home." I gave him a small nod before we walked over to the door.


I looked through my closet for a dress but nothing came up. "I'm screwed." I sighed sitting on my bed.

I checked my phone and looked at the time. I had about five hours before the dinner and I made no progress.

Holding my phone I twirled it around in my hand. "I should go to the mall or something." I didn't want to call Seokjin since I already told him not to buy me anything.

An idea popped in my head and I quickly called the number of the one person I could bring with me to the mall.

I realized that he was on his break right now anyway so he would probably say yes.

Three rings went by and a familiar voice answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Oppa, I need your help with something."

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