Chapter 27: Star Gazing

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I woke up again in a hospital bed but this time I had an oxygen mask on me. I tried to move but my body felt numb.

Looking around I saw someone's hair on the side of my bed. I couldn't move my head so slowly I looked to my left and saw a man sleeping. I felt drowsy and slowly my eyes closed again.

The next moment I woke up, a man was standing in front of me.

"Seunghee." He walked up to me and my eyes widened.

He tried to hold my hand but I moved my hand away from him.

What is going on? Who is he? Why am I here?

"Seunghee, are you okay?" He asked me and his voice was soft, "Is your head hurting? Are you in pain?" He kept asking. I just stared at him scared and confused.

He looked nervous and he was starting to think about something. "Seunghee... do you remember me?" His voice was shaky and high pitched. He looked like he was about to cry.

I shook my head slowly and that's when his face turned pale. I kind of felt bad for saying that I didn't remember him but I'm also the very confused one here.

"Who are you?"

I opened my eyes and saw the hospital ceiling. I trid to move but my body felt heavy. "Seunghee!" I heard a familiar voice beside me.

I looked to the side and saw Seokjin standing there with red eyes and a runny nose.

Was that a dream? Was I remembering the time when I woke up from the accident and saw Seokjin but didn't remember him... was that all a dream?

I watched Seokjin as he tried to calm himself down from the whole situation. I tried and used all my force as I lifted my right arm up and tried to hold his hand.

He noticed me trying and he helped me by putting his hand on mine. "Seunghee, it's going to be alright." He said.

I blinked twice slowly, telling him that I believed him. He understood and gave me a small smile. I heard someone walk in and saw that it was Seojoon.

"Hey Seunghee. Are you feeling alright?" Seojoon asked. I blinked twice and he nodded. Seojoon wrote something on the clipboard and then smiled. "I'll check up on you soon. If you feel sleepy then go back to sleep, okay?"

I blinked twice and he walked out of the room. Seokjin stood there trying to avoid my eyes. Somehow my whole body was heavy and I couldn't speak no matter how much I wanted to.

I wanted to tell him that I was okay. I wanted to ask him whether he was eating and sleeping regularly. I wanted to say that I love him.

The emotions from not being able to say these things made it hard for me to breathe.

"Seunghee..." I heard Seokjin call my name almost like a whisper. "I'm sorry that I didn't know how much pain you must've been in that night. I almost lost you that night if the nurses didn't come in time."

I watched him talk about how he saw me that night, pale and cold. His eyes were filled with tears that were going to fall soon. Watching him painfully talk about it made me tear up too.

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