Chapter 30: Holding On

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Weeks have gone by and I haven't seen Seokjin as much as I used to because he was on tour in Japan but he was coming home tonight.

I haven't been feeling well. My condition had been getting worse as days passed. The days felt like weeks, and weeks felt like months.

The doctor wanted me to go do a check up again today so I got ready and was about to go to the doctor's office when all of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach.

My head started to hurt and I felt dizzy again. I tried to regain my vision and I grabbed my prescribed pills before swallowing one with a cup of water. I sighed in relief as my head started to feel better.

I rested my head on my hand as I leaned over the counter. I started to slowly walk towards the door and headed to the car. Starting the car, I drove to the hospital.

I got out of my car and started heading towards the entrance. Walking in, I saw the receptionist at the front desk looking at her computer.

"Hi, I'm here for an appointment with Doctor Park." I said and the woman nodded looking at her computer to find my name.

"You can head up to the third floor and he will be there for you." She answered with a smile.

I bowed. "Thank you." I walked towards the elevator and pressed the 'up' button.

A few moments later the elevator door opens and I saw Seojoon standing there with his doctor's coat and a file in his hands.

"Seunghee, hi." He said smiling.

I walked inside the elevator and smiled. "Hi, do you have an extra shift today?" I asked.

He nodded and then the elevator started to close but he stopped it with his foot.

"I'm sorry but I have to go back to the office. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said and I nodded.

He gave me a small wave before walking out of the elevator and the door closed between us.

I reached the third floor and I saw my doctor standing there. "Doctor Park." I called and he turned around.

"Oh, hi Seunghee. Ready for the appointment?" He asked.

"Yup." I replied and he brought me to a vacant room.

I sat on the chair and he started typing on his computer. "So, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm alright. I was a little dizzy while coming here but I'm fine now." I said.

He nodded and then typed up something else. "Alright, the results came in a few days ago and we didn't look at it but now we'll see the results and decide what our next step is." He explained.

"Okay." I replied and my hands started to sweat.

He opened the giant envelope and a file of papers came out. He flipped through them and examined the results. His face was hard to read while he was checking my results.

"So, how is it?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. "You're fine. The results say that there was nothing wrong. I will still give you some medication to guarantee that you won't get sick for the next few weeks but everything is great."

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