Chapter 26: Second Thoughts

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After hearing the news, my phone dropped out of my hand and I fell to the ground.

"Seunghee!" Seojoon ran over to my side and he held me close. "Seunghee, what's wrong?"

I looked at Seojoon blankly and then looked to the ground. "I... want to be alone." Seojoon pulled me up and looked around.

"Let's get you to the hospital." He said and I grabbed his hand, my body trembling. "No. I don't want to go." I shook my head rapidly.

He sighed and pulled me closer. "Seunghee, it's going to be fine." He tried to calm me down but he forgot the fact that I'm a doctor as well.

My body turned cold but I was sweating at the same time. "Seojoon oppa..." I called his name. Seojoon gave me a little nod gesturing that he was here.

My eyes started to tear up. "Am I... going to die?" I asked and a tear fell down my cheek. He looked at me as his eyes widened. "Seunghee..."

I looked at the ground and pointed to my phone that was lying on the ground. "Am... I not going to live?" I asked him.

He looked at me as if he was thinking of an appropriate answer for the situation. I knew how Seojoon looked when he was thinking and that didn't help my situation at all.

"Why... do you think so?" He asked.

I avoided eye contact and tears started flooding down my cheeks. "I got a call... from my doctor. He said... my brainwaves weren't the same. He wants me to go check up again."

Seojoon hugged me and rested his chin on my head. I heard him sighing and once in a while I heard him sniffling. "Seunghee, let's get you to the hospital. We'll make sure everything is alright."

I nodded as I cried on his chest. I didn't want to go but if it was Seojoon, I didn't care. My heart was beating fast and my mind was blank. All I could think of was if I was going to be able to be the normal girl I used to be.


Seojoon brought me to the hospital and quickly got a room for me to have an Electroencephalogram test.

I lied down on the cold table as a technician started to attach small electrodes to my head. "Okay, we're good." He said before leaving the room.

A doctor with a mask walked in and looked at me. "Seunghee yah..." I noticed by his voice that it was Seojoon.

He pulled down the mask and smiled weakly before making sure everything was in place.

"Okay... I want you to just close your eyes and just relax." Seojoon said and his voice made me relaxed knowing that there was someone who I trusted standing right there while I did the test.

Slowly, I drifted away and fell asleep to the sound of his voice. The next moment I woke up on a hospital bed.

I sat up and my hair fell to the sides of my face. My hair smelled nice almost like flowers. A nurse must've washed my hair for me.

Looking at the time, I realized that it was the next day. I looked around the room and checked my own medical information on the small clipboard across my bed.

Everything looked fine.

"Seunghee." I looked up to see Seojoon standing there with a soft smile.

"Seojoon." He walked over and I hugged him tightly.

"What were the results?" I asked.

He scratched his head. "We haven't received them yet but everything went well. We'll also send the results to your doctor so he's up to date too." I nodded and then looked at the clipboard.

Slowly after, Seojoon did the same and someone walked in. "Seojoon sunbae, we need you at the main office. Seunghee ssi, you have a visitor." Our hoobae Soyeon smiled as she gestured behind her.

Seojoon looked at me and gave me a smile before walking out. I played with my fingers until I heard cautious footsteps coming towards me.

I looked up and saw Seokjin standing there, his eyes were looking at me with worry and his nose, a light shade of pink. He held a bouquet of creamy white coloured roses in one hand.

"Oppa..." I looked at him surprised but relieved to see him standing there.

He smiled before walking over and giving me a hug. "Seunghee... I'm sorry I didn't know. I just got told by my manager of what happened and I drove straight here."

I smiled and he handed me the roses. "I know they're your favourite kind." I nodded as I smelled one of them.

They were my favourite kind because they looked pure and they had a specific smell to them that made me feel relaxed.

Seokjin sat down next to me and caressed my hair. "When am I going to get discharged?" I asked and he looked at me with kind eyes. "Tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but you were still a little unwell so they decided to make it tomorrow."

I quietly held Seokjin's hand and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb. I looked at him who was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile with him.

He put his other hand across mine and lightly kissed the top of my hand. My stomach started tingling. Seokjin looked at me as he sighed happily.

"I'm sorry Seunghee, but I have to go now. I only got permission to leave for an hour. I'll come visit you after six though." He promised and I nodded.

He leaned his forehead with mine and then lightly kissed it. He cupped my cheeks and smiled before whispering, "Bye."

Then, I watched him walk out of my room and disappear behind the wall. My smile couldn't be wiped off my face. I felt like I was flying and I didn't want to stop.

Suddenly, I felt my heart racing quickly. Darkness started to cover my vision and I couldn't breathe. I looked around and found the emergency button.

I struggled to grab ahold of the button and tried to press it. I pushed the red button and I felt my body become heavier. I fell on my bed and my arm hit the side painfully.

I struggled to breathe as I saw a few nurses running over to me. I couldn't hear anything and slowly my vision started to worsen.

My eyes slowly dropped and I felt like I was being lifted. One thing was on my mind the whole time...

Am I really going to be alright?

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