A Few Years Later.

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*Ash's POV*

A few years have pasted and honestly, Johnny and I have never been so happy. It's nice and relaxing with him around, he doesn't make me feel uncomfortable and I can be myself around him. Oh that's right, I should probably start at the beginning. So yeah, Johnny and I decided to move in together, the both of us thought it'd be a bad idea, but as it turns out we were wrong. The both of us didn't feel awkward at all, it was just like a normal day at the moon theatre. Nana and Dexter visited us quiet often, we visit them a lot as well. Johnny and I currently live in a small cottage with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge kitchen and a fancy little garden. It's a really cute house, we were lucky enough to get it, the amount of people had their eyes on this cottage was ridiculous. Our small cottage isn't too far out of the city, it's legit a 5 minute drive and then boom! Your in the city. Johnny and I still go to the moon theatre to practice and prepare for upcoming shows in fact, Johnny has gotten a job as a piano teacher. I know right, who would of pictured Johnny doing that? I certainly didn't. A lot of the kids he teaches absolutely love him. He's always so cheerful when he comes home. Oh and me? I currently don't have a job. There's a few things I've got in mind but I don't know if I'd be able to find any kind of job related to the things I'd like to do.

The door swung open, Ash walked out of the kitchen and peered at the door, Johnny looked at her, his sweet smile made Ash giggle. "Hey welcome home, how was work?" Ash asked as she walked over to the exhausted Johnny "You could say fun and tiring."Johnny joked as he hugged Ash "Your dad called today." Ash said getting out of Johnny's grip. She walked over the couch and looked at Johnny "About what?" Johnny asked raising an eyebrow "He wants to talk to you about something he never did tell you? I don't remember most of the message." Ash sighed, sitting down. Johnny put his bag down and sat down beside Ash "Well how's your day?" "Exhausting." Ash groaned rubbing her eyes "Never in my life have I ever read soooo many lyric sheets." Johnny laughed as he looked at Ash, her blue eyes giving him an annoyed look "What?" Johnny joked "Your making dinner tonight." Ash laughed as she stood up. Johnny chuckled as he watched her "Alright, seems fair enough." "Yeah since I've done it for the last two weeks." Ash joked, Johnny smiled and walked over to Ash, pulling her into another hug. "You know, I'm happy to call you mine. I'd be lost without." Johnny whispered softly, Ash returned the hug and giggled "Yeah you've mentioned it sooooooo many times, Johnny." Smiling Johnny let go and looked at Ash "Well, I better get started on dinner." Ash laughed "Have fun Johnny."

~Few hours later~

Ash lay beside Johnny looking out the window, thoughts running through her head "Everything's been so perfect over the past few years...no trouble has come in the way of our relationship. For some strange reason, I have a funny feeling that something bad is gonna happen...I just hope I'm wrong." Ash thought to herself before shutting her eyes and trying to get some sleep.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now