The Park On 32nd Street. (Chapter 18)

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On the car ride home, all you did was cry.

‘Did I cheat on Cody?’ you asked yourself.

Which made you cry even harder.

‘I have to tell him, but I don’t want him to hate me. I’ll talk to Alli’ you thought. 

You asked the cab to stop two blocks before Cody’s house.

You didn’t want anybody see you that way.

When you got out of the car, you just threw him a twenty, and started walking.

The streets were vacant. Which was wonderful.

When you got to the house, you knocked on the door.

“Hey girl,” Alli said when she opened the door, ”are you okay?” she asked, seeing your mascara covering your cheeks.

You said, crying, ”Alli, I don’t know what to do.” you leaned on her shoulder and cried for a good 5 minutes.

She didn’t want to ask what was wrong yet. Until you wanted to talk.

“I did something bad,” you said, ”well, I didn’t really do it. Somebody else did. But still.”

“Let’s go up to my room and talk about It.,” she said, closing the door.

You followed her to her room, and laid on her bed, face in the pillow.

“I won’t be able to understand you if you keep your face buried in the pillow,” she said, sitting next to you.

You sat up.

“I saw my ex today.” you said. ”To make a long story short, he cheated on me, so we lost contact. He bumped into me on accident, and asked to go grab a bite to eat. It wasn’t like a date or anything. He just wanted to know how I was. I offered to pay for my food, but he wouldn’t let me. Then I saw the time and had to leave because we were hanging out. And then when we went outside, and he… hum… kissed me.”

“WHAT!” Alli shouted. ”How could you do that to Cody!” she covered her mouth. ”Oh my god. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

You started crying again and ran to your room and threw yourself on the floor.

Alli walked in. ”I’m sorry.” she said. ”I honestly didn’t mean it that way. I know you wouldn’t do that to Cody.”

“What am I going to do?” you mumbled into the carpet.

“I think you need to tell Cody.” Alli said.

Your phone buzzed on you bed.

Alli looked at it. ”Some kid named Anthony texted you.”

“What? Alli, that’s my ex.”

“Oh my god. What does it say?” she asked.

You took the phone and opened the text.

Anthony said: please come meet me at the park on 32nd street. We really need to talk.

“Alli, he wants to meet up with Me.,” you said, looking at her.

“You have to go. Do you want me to come? I’ll hide in a disguise. It’ll be kind of fun.” she said.

You texted him backs: be there in 10.

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