It's Only About Us. (Chapter 19)

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When you got home, you could hear Cody up in his room, strumming on his guitar. 

“Good luck.” Alli said to you. Then she went into the kitchen.

You walked up the stairs and knocked on Cody’s door.

“Yeah?” he said.

You walked in.

“Oh hey babe.” he said, putting down his guitar and walking over to you. ”What’s up? Sorry I didn’t call you. I had to record, and then we came home. What did Kylie say?”

“Doesn’t matter what she said,” you said, looking up at him.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Kylie isn’t important right now,” you said, looking away.

“I don’t understand.” Cody said, blocking your view so you were looking at him.

“I don’t know how to say It.,” you said.

“Oh no. Don’t tell me-“

You cut him off. ”No, I’m not breaking up with you.”

“Okay, good.” he said. ”I was nervous there for a second.”

“It may be worse than breaking up with you,” you said.

“Nothing could be worse,” he said.

“I saw an old friend today, well, not an old friend, but my ex boyfriend.”

Cody went to say something, but you went on.

“He asked me if I wanted to go grab a bite to eat. I didn’t think anything of it. He used to mean everything to me. Talking couldn’t hurt,” you said. Tears started welling up in your eyes.

Cody saw, and pulled you in for a hug.

“And.” you said, sobbing, ”He kissed me.”

“WHAT!?” Cody said, letting go of you.

“Don’t hate me,” you said.

“How could you do that? I thought you loved me.” Cody said, he chocked on his words.

“You don’t understand. I still love you. And I mean It.” you said, falling to the ground.

“What’s his name.”Cody said, in a firm voice.

“What?” you asked.

“I wanna know his name.”

“Anthony,” you said. “But why does it matter?”

“I just wanted to know.” Cody said. ”Did you kiss him back?” he asked, looking out the window.

“What do you mean, Cody?”

“When he kissed you, did you kiss back, or stop,” he never really asked questions. All he wanted was an answer.

“No,” you said, ”I slapped him when I realized what was happening. I’m sorry.”

You got up and walked into your room, laid on the bad, rolled up in a ball, and cried.

10 minutes passed. 

Alli walked in, ”Cody wants to talk to you.” she said, and then walked back out.

Then Cody walked in, and sat on the floor next to the bed.

“I’m sorry,” he said, ”I didn’t mean so snap like that. And know that I think about it, I know you didn’t mean it. I’m happy that you told Me.” you looked at him, and his eyes were red and puffy; he was crying too.

“I don’t want to lose you,” he said. ”I don’t want him to take me away from you.”

“I wouldn’t let him,” you said, sitting up and wiping the last of the tears away.

Your phone buzzed.

Anthony: hey babe.

You jaw dropped. 

“Who is it?” Cody asked, standing up and sitting next to you.

You didn’t answer Cody because he saw the name, and the text. 

“Ignore him, babe. Do you want me to talk to him?” he said, rubbing your back.

“No. I told him that I have a boyfriend. But I didn’t tell him it was you.” you said. 

“He’ll stop talking to you. I hope. You’re all mine,” he said, smiling. ”And tonight! Oh tonight, I have a surprise for you!” Cody said, getting up and jumping around.

“You never told me what was happening,” you said as Cody ran to your closet.

He pulled out a few dresses and put them on the bed. ”Pick one,” he said, ”it’s part of tonight. It’ll be fun.”

He walked over to you, picked you up, and kissed you.

“You’re better then Anthony.” you said.

“Better at what?” he asked.


He smiled and kissed you again.

He put you down. ”I have to get ready, and you do too,” he laughed, ”although you do look beautiful with all that mascara on your cheeks-“ 

“I know, I know. I’m going to go get ready. And look better. But you know what?” you said, ”Anthony never told me I was beautiful, but you always do. All the time. Why?”

“Because it’s true. You’re my baby girl. You’re my one and only.”

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