It All Happened So Fast. (Chapter 8)

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You were woken up early from your phone buzzing over and over again. Phone calls, text messages, emails, everything. The most calls were from your best friend, so you called her first.

“Why did you call me so many times?” you asked, still tired.


“Why, did something happen?”

“Check your twitter.” she told you, and then she hung up. She sounded angry.

Your laptop was close to your bed, so you opened it, and logged on to twitter.

You have tons of mentions and DMs.

“What happened?” you thought you yourself.

You checked your friend’s twitter, and saw a link to ‘’ and a bunch of numbers.

You clicked on it.

A page came up, 


“No, no, NO! This can’t be happening.”

You scrolled down and saw a picture of Cody hugging you from behind, when you saw the camera flash last night.

You were mortified.

You checked Cody’s twitter: nothing new.

So you called him.

“Hello?” he said, sounding like he was woken up by your call.

“Cody, last night….”

“What happened? What are you talking about?” he said, almost worried.

“Remember when we saw that flash on the boat?”


“It’s all over the internet. People are saying that we’re dating. And when I went on my twitter, I’m getting so much hate. Cody, I don’t know what to do.” you started crying, and Cody could hear it through the phone.

“Babe, it’s okay. They’re just paparazzi, they always have to be in my business.”

“Cody, I didn’t ask for this,” you said, with a stiff voice.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, Hun.” Cody said. ”We’ll get this straightened out when you go to Cali later. I promise.”

“I don’t think I should go anymore,” you said, still crying.

“What? No. You have to come. It’s the only way we can get things straightened out.” Cody said.

You started walking towards the kitchen, you looked outside just to see a bunch of vans, and people. The paparazzi found you.

“They found me,” you said through the phone, closing the curtains.

“What? Who found you?” Cody asked.

“The paparazzi.”

“Don’t go outside, don’t look outside. Don’t talk to them, or post anything on twitter or facebook.” Cody said knowingly. ”When I come later, don’t pack anything, just your purse. You don’t want them to know that you’re coming with me. It’s all gonna be alright,” Cody said, ”I promise. Now get ready, if you’re gonna be in all these magazines, you gotta look good!” Cody said, laughing.

You were laughing too as you wiped the last of the tears away.

“I’ll see you later, I gotta go, bye.” Cody said.

“Bye.” you hung up the phone.

You started to get ready; you shut down your laptop so you didn’t see any hate.

Once you were done getting ready, you packed your makeup, toothbrush, and hair stuff. Luckily it all fit in your purse.

You had on a pair of skinny jeans, combat boots, a striped blue/green shirt, and a white flower necklace.

It was 11:55. 5 minutes until you have to face the paparazzi.

You got a text from Cody, ”I’m here, just walk to the car, don’t say anything to them. Can’t wait to see you.”

When you walked outside, there were so many flashes and questions directed at you, but you thought about what Cody said, ‘you gotta look good.’

So you smiled as you walked to the car.

As soon as you closed the door, you pulled away.

“Were they bad?” Cody asked.

“No not really, not what I expected.” you said, moving to the middle seat, Cody took your hand.

“Good. Okay, in about 10 minutes we have to switch cars, so they don’t follow us to the airport.” Cody said, intertwining his fingers in with yours. ”They still fit perfectly.” he was smiling.

You smiled back. ”Just like last night.”

“I’m really sorry,” Cody, said, ”about the paps [paparazzi], I didn’t want this to happen to you. When we get on the plane, I’ll teach you how to talk to them. How to not say too much, or the wrong thing. It’ll all work out.”

“I know it’ll be fine, it just scared me.” Cody kissed your forehead, then pulled you in for a hug. You just stayed there.

Somebody opened the door; it was Matt Graham, Cody’s manager.

“Hey.” Matt said.

“Matt, this is [yn].” Cody said.

“Hey, nice to meet-“ you were cut off.

“Sorry to cut you off, but you guys need to get in this car,” he motioned to another car, ”we don’t want the paps following you to the airport.” he hesitated. ”Nice to meet you too.” 

Cody got into the car first, then helped you in, and pulled you right to him.

The car was dark, so you fell asleep on Cody, again. The airport was 2 hours away, so you figured ‘better take advantage of this sweet time with Cody.’

Cody smiled and kissed your head once you fell asleep.

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