Ride Of My Life. (Chapter 7)

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You and Cody walked back to the pier and sat down to eat. 

Neither of you said anything, because you wanted to wait until after you were done eating to talk so you didn’t make a fool out of yourself.

Cody cracked some jokes and you laughed.

“I have something else planned for when we’re done.” Cody said.

‘I’m done.” you said, laughing.

“Really?” Cody asked.

“Yeah, I wasn’t that hungry anyway.”

Cody took out his phone and started texting someone.

“What? I’m not good enough for you?” you said sarcastically.

“It’s part of the surprise, and I wouldn’t want to be any place with anyone else tonight.” 

“I was just kidding.” you said.

“I wasn’t.” Cody said as he smiled.

You saw something in the water coming towards the pier. It was a boat.

“We’re going on a boat ride?” you said, your voice kind of shaking.

“Why? Are you scared?” Cody asked.

“I fell off one when I was little, and almost drowned….” you said turning away from the water.

“I’ll take care of you,” Cody said, “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” Cody said as the boat came right up to the pier where you were.

Cody got in first, and then held his hand out to help you in.

“I got you.” Cody said as he helped you in.

“Okay, okay. I’m in.,” you said, “so what’s next?”

” It’s a secret.”

“C’mon Cody, I’m scared enough as it is.” you said as you looked around the boat. It started moving, which made you grab Cody’s hand and hold on tight.

“We’re not going that fast. But I don’t mind you holding my hand that tight.” Cody said as he looked at you and smiled.

You started to look around the boat.

In front of you there was a staircase, and in front of that there was the driver. He didn’t say anything.

“What’s up there?” you said as you pointed up.

“The surprise.” Cody said as he stated walking towards it.

You didn’t let go of his hand.

You walked up to find that there was a blanket set up. It was resting on a higher part of the boat. It was on a slant. 

Once you were up there, Cody let go of your hand, which made you nervous and grip onto the side of the boat, and he walked over to the blanket and motioned you to come sit next to him.

You sat really close to him. Partially because you were scared and partially because you wanted to.

He leaned back and put his arm behind you.

It was 11.

“It’s pretty cold up here, Cody”

“Here’s my jacket.” Cody said as he took it off and wrapped it around you.

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