Can't Escape You. (Chapter 27)

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You woke up when it was still dark out to Cody shaking you.

"What’s wrong with you?" you said to Cody and looked at him sitting up.

"Anthony's here." he said, then got out of bed and started biting his nails.

"What?" you asked, getting up and walking over to Cody, "stop that." you said, and you pulled his hands away from his mouth.

"Why the hell is Anthony here?" you looked at the clock, "it's four in the morning."

"I don't know," Cody said, then walked over to his dresser, pulled out a shirt, and put it on.

"My dad came in and said that there was some boy named Anthony that wanted to see me. So I woke you up because I know he wants to talk to you, not me."

"Well, the let me go talk to him." you said, and then went for the door.

Cody stopped you, "I can't let you go alone."

"He will hit you if he sees you, Cody. I don't want you to get hurt. Just let me handle it. If something bad happens, you'll know." you said then walked out the door.

 You walked down the stairs, then towards the door. 

You could see Anthony's shadow.

You breathed in and then out deeply and went to open the door.

But before you did, you put the chain lock on it so it would only open a few inches.

Just to make sure Anthony wouldn't try anything.

"Anthony, what are you doing?" you asked as he turned around.

He was wearing a blue v-neck and black jeans.

He was wet from the rain.

"I told you to break up with him,” he said as he got close to you. "Now please come outside so we can talk about this."

"I’m staying here,” you said, in a firmer voice.

"Whatever. Anyway. I told you what would happen if you stayed with him." Anthony said, leaning his head against the door.

You tilted your head, "do you love me, Anthony? Like you said you did before?"

"Of course I love you." his voice got softer.

"Would you want to hurt me? Or do you want the best for me?" you asked.

"I’ve always wanted the best for you." 

"Then please, Anthony," you said, looking in his eyes, "just go. I’m happy with Cody."

"But he isn't the best for you!" his voice got louder and he tensed up.

"And you are?" you said, still talking quietly. And raising one eyebrow.


"Give me a break, Anthony. Do you remember what you used to do to me?" you looked at him for some sort of answer, but you didn't get one. He got uneasy. "You used to him me."

He looked down. "I regret it."

"Well, you can't change it. Bastards never change."

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