Conditions. (Chapter 30)

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Cody moved his kisses from your lips, down to your jaw line, and then to your neck.

His hands were still on your lower back, and the further his lips moved from yours, the further down his hands went.

"Okay, Cody." you said, and then pulled his hands off your back.

You weren't mad, but uncomfortable considering you was only in a towel.

"C'mon..." Cody said, and then began kissing your collarbone.

"Please let me get dressed." you giggled, but tried to stay serious.

You took your hands and pulled his head up.

He looked at your eyes, "I’ll stop under one condition."

"And what would that be?" you said, playing around with his cheeks.

"If you stay here forever." he smiled, then kissed you on your lips and turned around, and walked out.

You stood looking towards the door, with your fingers on your lips, smiling.

-  -  - 

"Cody, are you ready to go yet?" you half-yelled walking out of your room to Cody's.

You stood in the doorway.

"It’s weird that I take less time to get ready than you do,” you said, laughing.

"Very funny." Cody said, looking in the mirror and fixing his hair.

He pulled out a drawer and began to look for something, you quickly ran over to him, jumped on his back, and messed up his hair.

"You’re kidding." Cody said.

He pulled your over his shoulder and marched over to his bed, and put you down.

Cody began to walk over back to the mirror but you stopped him but getting on his back again.

"Oh I see how it is." Cody smiled, then tossed you back on the bed and hovered over you with his hands pinning your wrists down.

He started kissing you.

"Ew guys. At least close the door." Alli said, reaching for the doorknob and shutting the door.

Neither you nor Cody could hold in your laughter.

"Alright, can we go now?" you asked, "or do you have to fix your hair again?"

You reached up and started playing with his hair. Trying to put every piece back in place.

"Well if my hair's messed up, yours has to be too." Cody said, and then winked.

"Don’t you dare touch my hair.”

"Well if I can't touch your hair..." he looked towards your belly, and started ticking you.

You were laughing so hard, "C-Cody, s-s-stop!"

"Say you love me." Cody said, continuing to tickle you.

"I- I, aha, lo-ove you." 

"That’s what I like to hear." Cody said, standing up and pulling you up with him.

You pulled you into a tight grasp and placed his chin on your head.

You wrapped your hands around his waist and breathed in his cologne.

"You smell good,” you mumbled into his shirt.

"What?" he said, moving his head so he was looking at you?

"I said you smell good."


"It’s a compliment, dumbass,” you said, smirking at him.

"Then you smell good too."

"There you go, kiddo." you said, and nuzzled yourself back into his warm body.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

Author's Note:

i'm sorry that this was a really crappy and short chapter!

it's just leading up to the good stuff! 


Let Me Love You - Cody Simpson Fan FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon