Chapter 42

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Christmas Day

I woke up today bright and early at about 6:00 am. Yay it's finally Christmas. So keen! I sat on my phone until about 7:00 am watching YouTube videos until Mum called Justin and I down for breakfast. Mum goes wild with breakfast on Christmas morning but I'm not complaining. So yesterday's Christmas with Kylie was so good she got me amazing presents which I do not think I deserve at all but I'm grateful. Thankfully Kylie loved all of her present's and I can't wait to see Luke to give him his camera. Only about four days to go. It's honestly been so hard to stay away from him for so long but I think it's been a really good way to test our relationship.

"Merry Christmas!" I laughed. Mum and Justin smiled at me laughed along with me.
"Breakfast looks so good Mum!" Justin said.
"Thank you Justin" Mum replied.
"Okay so today we will open our presents to each other this morning after we finish here then your Father, Erin, Jazzy and Jax will be over for lunch and we can exchange presents with them. Then tonight we will go out for our dinner with some other guests." Mum explained.

We are all sat down and ready to start eating, I went straight in for the bacon and eggs. We ate and chatted for about half and hour until almost all the food was gone and we were all full. Justin and I helped Mum clear the plates and clean up. Before we went out to the Christmas tree I decided to try and ring Luke to wish him a Merry Christmas and for the first time it goes straight to voice mail. I really hope he's okay and there's nothing wrong. He's probably just busy.

Justin, Mum and I were all sat around the Christmas tree.

"So who wants to go first?" Justin asked.

"I'll go!" I jumped off of the couch keen to give them all the presents I brought them. I got off of the couch and gave them both two presents.

"If yous don't like them I can take them back." I smiled.

"No of course not, I'm sure we will both love them!" Mum said and Justin agreed.

They unwrapped their first present and for Justin it was a pair of Gucci shoes and for Mum I got her a pair of Louis Vuitton heels. They were both happy with their shoes and went on to their next present where they each got a phone case. They thanked me and Mum got up to do her present's she gave Justin a box and told me that she would give me mine after Justin opened his. Justin got a watch, he got up and hugged her thanking her.

"Okay Anna now its time for your present. This is from Justin and I." She covered my eyes and her and Justin led me to some place.

"Ready, Three, Two, One." Justin yelled. Mum dropped her hands away from my eyes and I opened up my eye to see a Matte black G-Wagon the exact one I was planning on saving up for.

"OMG! Mum, Justin you really didn't have too! I can't believe it." I said hugging them both and running toward my new car I looked through the front seat window and opened the door, looking inside.

"It's so beautiful, Thank you guys so much!" They laughed then said it was okay.

"When do you want to take it for a test drive?" Justin said while running to the passenger seat and jumping in. I laughed then jumped in while Mum jumped in the back seat. I turned the key and went for a little drive around and it was amazing.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. We all got out and went inside making sure the car was locked.

We finished presents and we all helped clean the house a little bit. I also grabbed the presents for my Dads side and put them under the tree as mum and Justin did the same. 

Justin Bieber's little sister.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ