Chapter 37

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30th November

I woke up at 6:30 am to the Tv playing. I looked to my right to see Hailey and Justin sleeping then I looked to my other side where Mum was sleeping. The power must have turned back on in the middle of the night. I quickly sat up out of my seat grabbing the remote and turning off the Tv so it doesn't wake anyone else up. I then grabbed my phone and got up leaving them to sleep in. I went straight up to my room sitting at my desk and opening my laptop heading to YouTube.

I didn't realise how long I was watching YouTube for until Hailey walked in, asked the time and it read 8:30 am. Hailey then realised she has to leave for a meeting at 10:00 am so she said goodbye to all of us and thanked Mum for letting her stay, got in her car and left.

I then went into the kitchen and cut myself up some fruit to put in a bowl for breakfast. As I was eating my fruit my vibrated indicating that I had a text. I check the text and it was from Kylie.

Text convo

Kylie- Hey dude, omg that storm was crazy last night, did you lose power?

Anna- Yeah we lost power. Biggest storm I've ever been in.

Kylie and I then continued to text for a couple hours after breakfast while I sat around and did nothing but watch YouTube and go on all my social medias. It was about 11:40 am when Kylie had to go do something which her sisters. I continued to do nothing for the next 2 hours before I got up and went down stairs to have an apple for a small lunch. While in the kitchen Justin and Mum a merged from the living room.

"Hey Ann, Mum and I are going out to dinner tonight would you like to join?" Justin smiled.

"Um yeah sure, what time?"

"We are leaving at 5:30." Mum answered as Justin was already half way up the stairs. I nodded and continued to finish off my apple.

By the time I had done my apple it was already 2:00pm so I headed upstairs quickly. To quickly clean up my room a little before I had to get ready. Thankfully I only had dirty clothes laying around so it was easy to tidy. I placed all of them in the dirty clothes basket. Noticing it was pretty much full. I went back to my room and made a quick metal note to myself that I would have to do my washing.

The time was then close to three and I thought it would be a good time to FaceTime Luke quickly before I have to start getting ready. I went to my contacts and found Luke's name clicking on it then clicking FaceTime. It took a couple of seconds for Luke to answer.

"Hey Babe!" He beamed. Thank god he's up and in a good mood.

"Hey, you look good." I complemented.

"Oh thank you, but you're the pretty one in this relationship." He smiled. As Jai appeared in the background.

"Hey Anna" Jai said waving through the screen.

"Hey Jai, long time no see." I frowned.

"Yeah, I miss you and Ky. You should tell her to give me a call to catch up."

"I miss you too and I will." I smiled as he left.

"There's only 30 more days to go." Luke smiled. It seems so long to me.

At about 3:30 Luke and I got off FaceTime so I could get ready. I quickly texted Kylie telling her that Jai said to text him. Then I hopped in the shower. My shower took about ten minutes and then I was onto my hair. It took awhile to curl my hair but luckily I had enough time. Then I started doing my makeup. By the time I was done with all of that it was about 5:00 pm and I was running low on time.

I picked out a Yeezy cropped jumper and a denim skirt with back clear heels to match. I then put one of my Cartier bracelets on just so I don't look too plain. I then grabbed my wallet and phone taking a seat on my bed. After sitting for a minute Mum was calling me down to leave. We all got in Mums car and of course I was stuck in the back because Justin's older and he get's the front everytime.

It didn't take us long to get there and when we did it wasn't pack at all so we didn't have to wait to be seated. Sadly there were paparazzi's taking sneaky pictures the whole time but we are used to it so it didn't bother us much. I got a salad, of course, I always get salads. Mum and Justin got pasta and were rubbing it in it my face because it was so good.

"Hey Anna while we are sat talking. I need to talk to you about Victoria's Secret."

"Yeah sure Mum, what's up" I smiled.

"Well because you're not 18 yet. You won't be able to model the lingerie. But you will get to model the Pink active wear things." She explained.

"Yeah, that's fine." I laughed. "Not sure if I'm ready to even have my body on display in lingerie anyway."

"Thank god!" Justin laughed as I raised my eyebrows and gave him a dirty look.

Soon enough we finished our dinner and it was about 7:00 pm. We left our table and went to pay making sure to leave tips. We then all covered our faces as we speed walked to the car. Without messy around we got in and drove home carefully.

When I got home I was tired so I got in the shower and then jumped into my Pj's hopping into bed at around 8:30.

I then stayed on my phone for awhile before turning my lamp off and falling to sleep.

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