Chapter 31

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My alarm went off at 6:00 and I was so tired from what happened last night. But I knew I couldn't let lack of sleep get to me today because I want to be at school.

Like always I was on my phone for a good hour catching up on my social medias. I also had a text from Beau saying that Luke was asleep, safe in his bed. I replied saying thank you and glad he's okay.

Right after I sent it Justin knocked on the door. I'm guessing the only reason he came in was to find out about last night. Which I then explained the whole story and Justin was more suprised than me! He definitely didn't think Luke was the drinking type but to my surprise Justin ended up not caring that much.

After talking to Justin it was time to get in the shower and get ready. Today I decided I would put in a little more effort than usual because It's the last day of school and exactly 31 days including today until christmas, I'm so excited.

After my shower I got dressed into my outfit. Then sat at my makeup table to do my make up. Today I did it a little more full on in case there are photos and I want to look good. I put my hair into two braids making sure they are pulled back neatly into a low ponytail. I put my boots on and changed my phone case to a christmas one. I grabbed my school bag, sunglasses and keys. Running downstairs so I wouldn't be late.

I said a quick goodbye to Mum and jumped into the range rover. Half way there I decided to go get a couple of hash browns from maccas and eat them on the way to school. So I don't get light headed thoughout the day because that would be horrible.

I think everyone is staying at my house tonight after the party. So that should be really fun! If everyones not drunk off their head. Tonight I'm not drinking and I really hope Luke isn't because of what happened last night.

I arrived at school and there were paparazzi's everywhere. What the hell!! They are never in the school parking. Why are they here?? I parked my car and grabbed my things trying to find Kylie as best I could.

A couple of photographers came over to me but kept a good distance so I could still walk. I saw Kylie from a distance and started heading towards her as best as I could but it was difficult considering the paparazzi were there for her.

As I got closer I noticed why they were here, that would be because Kim, North, Saint and Khloe were here I'm guessing they dropped Ky off so she could come home with me to get ready for the party tonight. I quickly said hello to everyone. Then Kylie and I headed into school for hopefully a fun last day.

We went straight to our lockers as fast as we could to see if any of our friends were here yet. I was nervous to see if Luke was going to be here today.

We were at our lockers putting our bags in and throwing out rubbish so it's completely empty except for our bags and stuff we need and will take home after school. Today school finishes at 1 instead of 3 which is super helpful so it gives us more time to get ready for tonight. Holy shit I'm keen!!

We waited about 5 minutes before we saw Jai and Luke walk down the hallway. I'm honestly so happy Luke is here and isn't missing out on today. They came straight over to us and Luke came and gave me a massive hug saying sorry but admitting that he can't really remember much. I laughed at him and ruffled his hair a little. He's so cute, I'm lucky to have him.

The bell went and for the last time this year I'm going to my form class with Jai walking by myside. I'm so happy and I don't even really know why. I guess I'm just glad to finish the year and go on holidays.

"Hey Jai, guess what"

"What!!" Jai turned.

"I'm selling my Jeep" I replied. I've been waiting to tell someone and Jai and I are bored.

"Oh that's exciting." He smiled.

"Yeah I'm saving for something else."

"What may that be?" He asked.

"Well I Haven't fully made up my mind but I think I want a Mercedes Benz G wagon"

"Wow that's a nice car to have, better watch you don't crash it" He smirked. I laughed.

"Better watch I don't run you over with it" I laughed as he laughed along with me.

We chatted and laughed for the rest of the period until the bell went. We grabbed our stuff as our teacher said goodbye and wished us the best of luck for next year. We left to our lockers where I then met up with Ky for double history.

All throughout history we played board games with our class and teacher hahaha this teacher likes to think we are in primary school but we obviously are not. Kylie asked about what happened with Luke and I explained the whole thing.

"Oh my God!! Anna what if your Mum had come out and saw she would of been so concerned."

"Well good thing she didn't." I replied.

"Yeah you're lucky!!" She laughed.

20 minutes later the bell went and we were off to a sausage sizzle then we go into a massive assembly where songs are played and people perform as a celebration.

We met up with the boys at our lockers. Then we ran to get a good spot in line to get a sausage and a soft drink. Thankfully the line wasn't big so we didn't have to wait long. Once we got our sausage and drink we went and sat at our normal table where we eat.

"Hey guys, I can't wait for holidays!!" I said.

"Me neither, it should be so fun" Jai answered.

"We need to hang out heaps over the break." Kylie said and everyone nodded in agreement.

An announcement was called over the loud speaker asking everyone to go into the auditorium. Because the assembly is starting shortly. Luke grabbed my hand as we all went up the stairs and in to get good seats. As we were walking in one of Justin's songs were playing and it honestly made me teary eyed and Luke noticed.

"Hey, What's wrong?" He asked 

"I'm just so proud of him."

"Oh I know." He said giving me a quick hug and leading me up to my seat.

We sat through the whole assembly and now we were on the last song before it ended and we could go home. Confetti was falling from the roof and everyone was dancing around. Enjoying the last of the school year. After what felt like forever the song finished and everyone cheered as our principle dismissed us.

We got to our lockers as fast as we could grabbing our stuff and leaving our lockers completely empty. Everyone was coming home to my house, in my car to get ready for this party.

Justin Bieber's little sister.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora