Chapter 23

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I woke up the next day with my alarm going off. I had set my alarm last night for 6:30 am so I had just enough time to get ready before Hailey got here.

I worked my way down stairs where mum was already up and awake watching some TV.

Mum and I are very close. So I want her to be the first to know about Luke and I. I sat down and told her everything that happened last night and she couldn't be anymore happy for me.

I looked at the time and realised I should probably hurry up and grab something to eat.

I grabbed an apple and quickly ate it as fast as I could. I then quickly ran upstairs. Then I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans with a light pink bralette and a denim jacket and took it into the bathroom to have a shower.

I got out and got dressed and I then sat at my makeup table and did a natural makeup look.

I grabbed my white superstars and and pair is socks and put them both on.

Hailey was picking me up at 9:00 and it was about 8:47 when I finished getting ready I grabbed my things and went and waited down stairs. It then didn't take long for Hailey to pick me up.

I'm not sure if I want to tell Hailey about Luke just because I want to make sure if Luke wants this to get out with the fans and stuff. So tonight I will have to talk to Luke and figure out what we both want.

On the way we both decided we would get out hair done as well as our nails. Right now my hair is blonde but I want to go back to my natural dark hair. Hailey figured she wanted to do something crazy with her blonde hair so she decided to go a pastel pink colour.

As soon as we got there we ran into the closest hairdresser and asked if they could fit us in. They checked their computer. Then told us they could. We went to sit down in front of mirrors and two young ladies came to ask us what we want. We told them what we wanted and they went to grabbed the dye and got to work on our hair.

After about two hours both of our hair was done and I couldn't be happier with the out come of our hair. We payed for our hair and thanked the hairdressers for their work.

We decided to get a Starbucks on our way to the nail salon. We just got coffees and went straight there while deciding what we wanted with our nails.

"I really like long nails so I think I might do that." I said to Hailey.

"Yeah I think I'm going to go for some pretty short nude ones. Since I have a modelling job coming up and I don't know what they want."

"I'm going to go with white, long coffin shaped ones to keep it basic." I replied

She nodded as we threw away our food rubbish and kept walking. After about two minutes of walking we got to the nail salon. It only took about half and hour.

We then went to shop around and buy stupid stuff we don't really need but we want. I brought some really nice bras and undies from Victoria's Secret and some makeup from Sephora. We had now been here for about 5 hours and we were getting tried. We decided we would start to head home.

It takes about half an hour from my house to the shops so it would be about 3 when I got to mine.

On the way home I got a text it was from Luke.

From Lil Chicken ❤️

Hey Babe, do you want to sleep at mine tonight? 😊

I'm just on my way home from the shops with Hailey but I'll come over soon!

End of text

My heart was beating so fast I couldn't wait for tonight.

Next week was the last week of school before the two month holidays for Christmas. So I really need to focus on all my studying to past my tests. Not to mention I'm turning 17 soon and I could not be more excited. My birthday is February the 16th and Luke and Jai's is the 3rd of May so unfortunately for Luke I'm older.

I must of totally zoned out because I looked up and we were pulling into my long old drive way.

"Hails don't worry about driving the whole way up I'll grab my stuff and walk, I could do with the exercise." I laughed

She nodded and waited for me to to grab my shit. We said our goodbyes and I started walking towards the door.

As soon as I get in I'm getting ready for Luke's.

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