Chapter 38

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1st December

Today I woke up feeling really energised at about 7:00am. Today was the day I finally got my ass to the gym. I got up quickly and went to my closet picking out a whole black Nike outfit and I even grabbed my black Nike bag. I put it all on and placed my bag on my bed. I sat down at my makeup table and put my hair in two braids. Then I moved onto my makeup to which I only put a tiny bit on. I put some perfume and deodorant on and picked up my bag grabbing some essentials placing them inside and heading downstairs to the kitchen. I sat and ate a banana since I will probably got get lunch after the gym.

After I was done I grabbed a water bottle from out of the fridge put it in my bag. I then headed back upstairs to brush my teeth.  I put my wallet in my bag and then I grabbed my car keys and phone going back downstairs to tell Mum I'm leaving. She nodded and I headed for the garage. I had my keys at the ready as I got into my car and started driving to the gym. I pulled up at the gym and grabbed my bag heading inside.

As soon as I walked I was greeted by my old personal trainer who was so excited to see me.

"Oh my God!! Anna I've missed you girlfriend. " She smiled giving me a hug. She instantly offered to help me train today and I couldn't say no. She took me to straight to the room where we used to do heaps of cardio.

About three hours later we were done and she had to get home. I thanked her for not killing me and I thanked her for helping out when she didn't have to. I decided I would do a quick warm down. I jump on the treadmill for a walk. Half an hour later I was getting off the treadmill and walking out the gym doors. I looked at the time on my phone and it was nearly lunch time. Thank god! I was starving after all of that exercise. I got into my car placing my bag on the passenger seat floor and started driving to boost. I pulled up at boost and speed walked inside quickly buying a smoothie and taking it back to my car. I drank it on my 15 minute drive home and when I got home I threw it in the kitchen bin. I then made my way to the fridge and pick out a couple things to make a salad.

After about an hour it was 1:00pm I was finished eating. I grabbed my bag and headed up stairs to my room to have a shower. I had no other plans for the rest of the day so I decided to get into my Pj's after my shower. I then grabbed my dirty clothes basket and carried it downstairs to the laundry. I took the wet clothes out of the washing machine and into a washing basket. Then I put my dirty clothes into the washing machine to get washed. I put the wet clothes in the dryer and put it on. Grabbing my now empty clothes basket I headed back upstairs to my room put it straight back in my bathroom.

 I was sitting on my phone writing some new songs for my album that I should probably be spending more time on. It was 3:30pm when I got a factime call from Luke.

"Hey homie!" I joked.

"Hey bro, how are you?" He chuckled.

"I'm good, a little bored though."

"Well good thing I called."

"Yeah, good thing." I rolled my eyes but smirked so he knew I was kidding.

Luke and I chatted for hours until Mum called me down for dinner and I had to go. I got down stairs quickly since I was starving. Justin wasn't here for dinner since he had gone out with some friends but that's fine more food for me I guess. I sat and ate with Mum and we talked about work things and school mostly. Then when we were done we both got up and did the dishes together. It was 7:30pm when we finished and we both wanted to sit and watch some Tv. We did just that until 9:30pm where I got a goodnight text from Luke and Mum was falling asleep.

Mum then went off to her room and I went up to mine I turned all my lights off and used the light on my phone to run over to my bed and turn my lamp on. I was under the covers for about 10 mins checking social media before I put my phone on charge, turned my lamp off and drifted to sleep.

Justin Bieber's little sister.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant