He shook his head. " work never stops, even when I have a beautiful woman in my life."

"don't try and sweet talk me. You get me all horny and then tell me that I probably won't see you for like a day and a half."

" but when I do get back it'll be worth the wait. I can promise you that." Tyrone stood up to lean across the table so that our faces were but an inch or two apart. " Just give me some time to handle this shit and then your body is all mine."

" fine." I tilted my head back thinking that we were about to kiss. Instead he hit me with a smooth kiss on the cheek and sat back in his seat, laughing at the look of disbelief that I'm sure was covering face. " fucking asshole."

" I'm not tryna get shit started, not right now, baby."

" 'not right now' my ass. You should have said that before you rubbed oil all over me and got me wet." I mumbled. " tease."

He laughed like it was funny, but it really wasnt.

We ate, and once we finished, we washed the dishes together. Then he went outside and brought my cake upstairs.

" aight, I'm out."

" but it's only seven." I whined, hugging him at the door. " just stay a little bit longer?"

" if I could I would, babe."

I released him, still pouting but from a few steps away at this point. " okay. Just be safe, please."

" I will. Call me if you need me." He left after that.

I waited a full five minutes before calling his phone.

" yes, beautiful?"

" I need you." I whispered into the phone.

I just felt like hearing his voice again, knowing that he'd probably be too busy to call or text me during the day. Suddenly I felt clingy as hell. Why did I want to be up under him again?

I swore that the feelings that come along with new relationships were going to kill me.


I showed up for work at the corner store at noon. It was Symonee's first day back managing the corner store as well which I hadn't even realized until we both showed up to open the gate together.

We both screamed in glee, hugging each other like we hadn't seen each other in forever.

" Are you supposed to be back at work yet? Who has the babies?" I asked her.

" My doctor wants me to stay at home for another week but I'm losing my fucking mind so-" She shrugged. " and my mom has the kids."

I paused, confused as hell which I'm sure she could tell just by the look on my face. " what the hell are you talking about? Your mom is in new York, isn't she?"

" she was. She called me yesterday evening saying she was going to catch a plane to come and see me. I thought she was bullshitting because since her flight was canceled a couple weeks ago she hasn't mentioned coming to see me again. Well, she calls me at fucking two in the morning so that I can pick her up from the airport."

By this time, the store was opened and we were walking inside. " is she staying with you?"

" yeah, in the guest room in the basement. I just can't believe she was serious about coming to visit, especially just out of the blue like this. I think her and her husband are getting a divorce or some shit because she's not even wearing her wedding ring anymore. And trust me, she loves to show off that big ass diamond ring."

Book 2 [ The Untitled Series ]Where stories live. Discover now