Chapter Thirty-Three

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There, new update! And this time not such an awfully long wait in between it! :) Hope you all enjoy it and thanks for fanning and voting on previous chapters! I really really love seeing all your comments so thank you! My apologies if I haven't personally replied to it yet.

Enjoy and vote!




I froze, completely unsure of what to do next, of how to even react... How was I supposed to react in a situation like this? What did I say to my long lost grandfather? After I just mated Nathaniel?

Luckily he moved first, lifting one elegant hand to place against my cheek, his thumb rubbing gently over my skin. 'You've grown so fast...' he said, sounding genuinely surprised about that, as if he expected me to be a little girl still.

He stepped closer till there was only a foot between us, heat radiating off of him as if he was a furnace. The air around him felt alive, moving with warm currents.

An intent look on his face told me he was studying me closely, trying to figure something out. A complicated puzzle, judged by his frown.

I felt like I should say something but the words died in my throat, really what could I say?

'Why?' Tlanextic spoke, suddenly swirling around to face Nathaniel again. The impressive wings of light spreading out to enfold me somewhat and shield me from the rest of the room. Suddenly I was regretting staying near the wall, I was completely cornered.

'Why did you take my little girl? My Yolotli?' somehow the Arch Angel made those words, although accusing, sound rather flat. As if there was no real emotion behind them, but I also immediately knew it was an act.

This man hadn't gone cold, he was fire and sunlight, his very essence was warmth.

I moved instinctively even as Nathaniel spoke: 'She's not just your Yolotli, she's mine too.' Nathaniel's voice was cold too, obviously angry about the fact that Tlanextic was placing himself between us. Nathaniel sounded possessive and along the bond between us I could clearly feel that he was only staying where he was because he was clinging to his control by his fingernails.

Sliding further in between the Arch Angel's wings I wrapped my arms tightly around his lean waist... He was much slimmer and slighter in build than Nathaniel and my arms easily met in the front.

As I did it the man moved forward as if to go for Nathaniel's throat, only to freeze in his tracks again and stare down at my arms incredulously. He was obviously not used to anyone touching him just like that.

His entire body became tense and coiled like a spring, the air around me becoming hotter as if the temperatures rose along with Tlanextic's temper. I closed my eyes and pressed my face into his back, right between his shoulder blades where his wings grew out of his back.

The muscles underneath my cheek were strong and very well developed, it wasn't magic that made them fly but real power. Pure strength was what propelled these wings when in flight.

I couldn't see Nathaniel but I felt him move closer in a flash.

'Don't you dare!' the snarl that ripped out of his throat was downright feral and terrifying. I felt Tlanextic's body shake and then there was a metallic sound as something fell to the floor with a clang.

Casting my eyes downward I spotted a mean looking, curved dagger. The hilt decorated with an Aztec sun, the heart of it an upturned triangle. Tlanextic's sign.

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