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Lance groaned as he tried to lift his body, his body being held down by straps that were to heavy for him to lift. "Keith?" He looked around himself, no one was in the brightly light room. "Keith!"

The camera changed to Shiro who was trying to cut the straps with his hand, to Pidge who was still knocked out, to Hunk who was crying and panicking, then to Allura and Coran who were terrified and being examined. "Are these the missing cadets?" Iverson nodded, examining Keith as he screamed on his camera.

"Keep it on this one." He looked at the mullet head as he thrashed on the table, changing from pale to purple repeatedly.

"Lance!" Keith shouted, hitting his head against the table. "Where the hell am I?! Answer me you son of a bitch!" Keith yelled, his eyes yellow as he pulled his purple arms up, ripping the restraints and Keith quickly sitting up and cutting his ankle restraints. "Where the fuck is the rest of my team!" Keith stood up as guards and scientists ran into the room. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" He yelled as they all drew weapons filled with tranquilizing darts. "Stay back!"

He drew his knife, a dart hitting his chest but he still fought, fighting hard as he made it through their bodies and ran into the hall. Keith ran down the hall, fighting anyone who was coming toward him or attacking him and soon getting to another room, opening the door to find Pidge lying on the table passed out. He ran to her and untied her, carrying her on his back as he ran through to another door, finding Hunk and handing him Pidge.

"Keith, I'm like super scared man." Hunk yelled as he ran after Keith.

"You won't be as soon as we find Shiro."

"You're Gulra." Keith fell silent as he ran into another room, Lance on the table with things poking into him and him passed out.

"I know." He held Lance cheek, sighing deeply as he unhooked Lance and carried him down the hall, coming to Shiros room.

"Keith!" Shiro yelled, Lance groaning on Keiths back. "What happened to you all?"

"Pidge is knocked out, Lance was experimented on, Hunk was crying and I lost my temper. Just, don't look back." Keith unhooked Shiro and they walked down the hall, him not helping but looking back at the sea of bodies. They found Allura and Coran, then running them through the facility to find a way out.

"Maybe this way." Shiro pursed his lips.

"No this way." Hunk pulled on Shiros arm.

"Stop right there Keith," Keith growled, knowing that name to that voice and turning around to him, Iverson glaring into him. "You came back."

"Fuck off Iverson." Keith growled, Lance groaning on his back and slightly cracking his eyes open.

"Where are we?" Lance groaned, his hazy vision wondering where they were.

"Close your eyes Lance, you don't want to see blood." Keith growled, setting him down and then glaring at Iverson As his claws extended, the men behind him pointing their guns at him.

"Keith no," Lance groaned as he tried to stand, Keith already attacking Iverson who was laughing. "Keith stop," he had Iverson pinned down to the ground with his knife to his throat. "Keith stop!"

"Go ahead and do it Krogane, do it." Iverson laughed as Keith pressed the blade against his throat, guns pointed to his head.


"What Shiro." Keith growled lowly.

"Let's go Gulra." Hunks voice shook. Keith growled then sighed, turning back to his normal self and pulling himself off of the ground, slinging Lances arms around his shoulder and holding his hand, their rings glistening next to each other.

"Don't even think of looking for us." Keith growled as they walled off, Lance looking at Keith as they ran through the doors of the garrison, to their ship and getting onboard and soon landing in Lances yard, Keith walking onto the yard with Lance still over his shoulder.

"Keith sweetheart, why are you covered in blood?" Cynthia asked, her voice and body shaking as she stood in front of her children.

"I saved Lances ass that's why," Keith groaned, setting Lance down inside on the couch and pulling the plugs off of his chest and abdomen, Lance whimpering at the screws on the plugs were yanked from him, leaving holes. "Jesus Lance, how much does that hurt?"

"We both know I've had worse then this, I nearly died remember?" Lance softly chuckled. The room fell silent, Lance sighed deeply, looking at his parents as he ran his thumb over Keiths bruised knuckles. "Mama, Papa, I have something to say to you."

"Yes Lance?" She looked in her sons eyes, hoping it wouldn't be bad.

"Me and Keith are getting married." Lance leaned his head against Keiths shoulder as Keith froze like the news was nothing.

"Lance," Joshua glared at him. "I didn't give a blessing."

"Well it's not like you would." Lance muttered.

"Lance you're so young," Cynthia glared at Joshua. "And you're nineteen with your whole life ahead of you."

"And I want to spend it with Keith." Lance pulled Keiths arm around his side, holding back his wince as Keith felt still under him.


"If you don't like it we can leave gladly," Keith finally spoke, interrupting Joshua. "We just wanted to inform you so if we can't get married on Earth then we'll get married in space;where no rules apply."

Joshua was silent, the older siblings moving the younger ones into another room. "I will not stand for this. Leave now!"


"No," Lance shakily stood up, Keith holding him up. "If we're not welcomed here we know where we are." They walked out of the house, the ream following them back into the ship.

"Lance wait!" He turned around to see Laura and Hunter. "Stay, Grandma would want you too no matter what Papa thinks."

"Please." Laura begged, Lance sighing and turning around to her.

"Fine but if he says one word about this being wrong, then we're out of here." Lance grunted through gritted teeth.

"But he needs the cryogenic pod to heal the holes in his body so he'll be out in about three bonzads." Allura softly smiled.

"Three hours." Pidge groggily corrected.

"Okay." Hunter and Laura smiled as Lance was moved into the ship.

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