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||•Two Days Later•||

Lance looked up at the pod to Keith. The purple around his eyes was gone but his hands were still there, slowly turning back. Pidge sat next to him and he sighed and rested his head on her shoulder. "Why do you care so much about Keith all of the sudden?" Lance blushed at the question.

"I-I-I think I bonded with him too much." He quickly lied and watched as the last bit of purple disappeared from his fingertips. The pod opened and Lance caught him when he fell out. Keith looked up at him.

"H-How long was I out?" He stood up and looked at Pidge.

"Two days. We're leaving Earth tomorrow morning." Pidge walked away and Keith looked up at Lance and hugged him tight.

"Aren't you-"

"Yep." Lance answered, knowing the question.

"Have you-"

"Yes." He answered again.

They went silent. "How did they take it?" Keith let go and looked up at Lance.

"They said they want to go with me but they can't. Shiro promised we'd visit every year." Lance faked a smile. He didn't want to leave them again.

"He we still have a day here. You go be with your family." Keith pushed on his chest.

"But what about you?" Lance held his hand.

"I'll be fine and besides, we're going to be spending enough time with each other. Go be with your family." Lance nodded and ran out of the ship. Keith walked to his room and put his shirt back on and looked at the broken mirror. Shiro walked in and stood next to him.

"You know, you should surprise Lance," Keith looked up at him. "Take pictures from his room and put them up in his room and take pictures of his family and take a camera to make memories together. Take some of his clothes too so he can change if he wants." Shiro laughed and Keith nodded.

"I'll do it tonight when he's asleep." Shiro nodded and they looked into the mirror.

"When will you tell everyone about you and Lance anyway?" Shiro crossed his arms.

"W-When we both think it's right but for now we just want you to know. So it's really important you don't tell the others." Keith looked at Shiro with pleading eyes.

'Crap.' "I understand." Shiro nodded and walked out of his room.

Lance played with his siblings with joy. They looked at him and Cynthia put her hand on his shoulder. "Lance," he turned to her and he smiled. "We'll...we'll miss you." She hugged him and he hugged her back.

"I-I'll miss you too but this is for something bigger then me." Tears treated to spill out of his eyes.

"I know," she backed away and wiped her cheeks. she held his head in her hands. "I couldn't be more proud of you Lance." Tears streamed down his cheeks and she wiped them away.

"Thank you Mom." She smiled and kissed his forehead, bringing his head down to her lips. Keith smiled at the family moment as all of Lances siblings crowded around him in a hug.

Joshua walked over to Keith and he straightened up. "What are your intentions with my son, Keith?" Joshua crossed his arms.

"E-Excuse me sir?"

"I see the way you act and look at my son. What are your intentions with Lance?" He lifted a brow and Keith pulled his collar to the side and gulped.

"I would treat him kindly and how he should be treated sir. I would help him in hard times and won't leave him when we go south, s-s-sir." Keith stuttered and Lance looked over to them.

"Then welcome to the family!" Lance softly smiled as his father hugged Keith. Keith looked over to Lance and Lance laughed while Keith rolled his eyes. "You hurt him and I will find out." Joshua growled in Keith's ear then walked away like nothing happened.

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