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||•One Week Later•||

Keith grunted as he fell to his knees, his body in pain as he held off another attack from the person he was forced to fight as an act for the people in the stands watching. He grabbed them by their arm, flipped them over to their back and grabbed their weapon, holding it to their throat. He won and the loser was escorted away harshly to die. He won every battle. It's how he stayed alive. "The Gulra has won!" They called him Gulra and the crowd booed at his winning. "Next fight is in twenty!" Until then, they'll beat Keith to try to make him loose.

He went on his knees and they grabbed him by his hair and dragged him into a room. He fell to the floor as they beat him senseless. "That's enough," he recognized that voice. He looked up, one of his eyes slowly swelling shut. He saw someone in a maze with green skin. "We need him weak but strong enough to fight." The people abusing him left Keith alone in the room after hitting him a few more times. He coughed up a small amount of blood then weakly stood up and wiped his lip. He weakly walked to the door, holding his side, as the crowd cheered for the new opponent.

"And Gulra!" The crowd booed as Keith weakly stumbled out of the room and looked up at the crowd. He saw Shiro and the rest but Allura. His eyes widened when he looked at Lance. He stumbled back and fell to the ground when he was hit by the persons weapon hit him. He looked down at his stomach, a large cut across it.

"I-I-I'm sorry but they'll kill me!" They attacked again and Keith quickly moved and attacked them. He held them in a chokehold until they passed out then let go. Opponents came and went and Keith got hurt every fight but he fought through the pain every fight and won.

Keith fell to the ground and looked up at his opponent. Her black hair fell over her nearly purple eyes and she looked down at Keith, holding a sword to his throat. "Why don't you get a weapon?" She panted, still holding the sword.

"I'm half Gulra. They hate me and want me dead." Her cheeks were flushed and she looked human for the most part. Her skin pale with a lot of freckles flacked across her nose, face, neck and most likely her body.

"B-But you're the Red paladin, right?" Keith nodded as much as he could then flipped them and held her sword to her neck. "Could we both go home free?"

"No. They'll kill both of us." She pushed him off and he stumbled back and dodged her attack.

"Keith!" Lance shouted as he watched her cut his cheek slightly. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Why wasn't Allura getting him out?

"Keith?" She asked. He nodded. "Tessa," he nodded as she introduced herself. She looked up at the boy and saw others comforting him. "Who are they to you?" She moved out of the way he tried to attack.

"My friends and," he bit his lip. "And my boyfriend." He flushed and she cut across his chest. He winced and looked down at his bleeding form.

"Keith!" Lance screamed again. He looked up at him, meeting his crying eyes. Keith growled and pinned Tessa to the ground. She huffed and looked up at him in fear.

"I'm sorry," Keith muffled as he snapped her arm. She screamed in pain and he winced as she kicked him in the chest. She tried to get up but failed. The guards grabbed her and she screamed as they dragged her away. Keith acted upon his mind and tore her away from them and held her sword and front of themselves. "You want her you'll need to get through me."

Keith fell to the ground as they beat him to a pulp but he had Tessa under him to protect her. She looked up at him as his mouth began to drip in blood. He wouldn't let anyone else get hurt. "Give us the girl!" They shouted but Keith huffed through the beating. They stopped when they saw he would die soon and wouldn't be able to fight. They wanted someone else to kill him.

Keith sat up and held her, slowly standing and trying to run. Run anywhere. He needed to find a way to protect her. They hit Keith in the back of the knees and he dropped to the ground. They grabbed Tessa and she screamed as they dragged her away. "No! Tessa!" Keith shouted as she was dragged off. "I will save you!" He shouted as they released another opponent. He stood up and fought hard, but tried to lose so he could save Tessa. He lost, but didn't die. He simply gave up.

"W-What do I do? I thought I'd die!" He was crying.

"Just don't let the others beat you! You'll live!" Keith yelled back as the guards dragged him off. He was dragged into a room and found Tessa in a cage. They threw him into hers. He fell to the ground and found her holding her arm. "A-Are you okay?" He stammered.

"Y-Yeah. Besides my arm I'm fine," she rolled her eyes. "You know we'll die now right?"

"No we won't," Keith panted and got up and looked at the lock. He growled lowly and kicked the door hard and it swung open wide. He grabbed Tessa's hand and pulled her out of the cell and down the hall. He waited and passed when another guard passed. They ran out of the holding cell and heard an alarm go off. "Shit," he muttered and they ran faster and faster to an exit. He opened the door and found escape pods. "Get in," he helped her into one, handed her a helmet and set off and out of the dreaded place. Keith drove them to a planet and landed, his knees buckling when he hit the ground, Tessa falling next to him. "We got out." He laughed lightly.

"We did." She panted and held her hand on her stomach, feeling air go in then out, her chest falling in pattern. Keith thought about why they were there, his team, his love. He hit his hand to his head as tears streamed down his cut cheeks.

"Damn it!" He cursed himself out as he the tears streamed faster. "They were there to get me and now can't find me!" He pulled at his hair and felt his Gulra ears pull in place of his. His nails grew razor sharp along with his teeth and his eyes turned a deadly gold color. He arched his back as he felt his Gulra blood pump through his body. He looked down at his hands on the dirt and looked at himself shake. "N-No," he looked at his purple furred hand and growled. "I'm a monster!"

"N-No you're not," her voice was soft. Tessa, she could have only been about Pidges age. "You're just confused and lost.you know who you are deep down and it'd not that. Think about who you love. What do they think of you?"

||•Three Hours Later•||

"We've got the pods location!" Coran shouted and Lance sat up.

"Then go to it!" He shouted and Allura wormholes the ship to the planet. Lance jumped into his lion and got to the planet before the ship landed and found Tessa holding a shaking Gulra Keith in her arms. He ran to them and Keith looked up at Lance, his body shaking and his ears flattened against his head. "Keith..." He looked at the boy. He was broken.

To Earth (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora