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Shiro groaned with his arms crossed as Lance and Keith bickered with each other. "Well you don't know that will kill me!" Lance yelled as he stood up, Keith doing the same.

"Yes I do! Going at that speed in your lion will crush your bones if you turn the gravity off!" Keith shouted back. Allura pinched the bridge of her nose and sat down across from Shiro. He looked up at the boys on either side of him and shook his head as they continued to bicker.

"Come on guys. Why don't I go make me, us, some food and we all just calm down." Hunk sheepishly grinned but the two continued to argue.

"I will count to three ticks and if you don't stop yelling you're going in the training deck without your bayards!" The two boys stopped yelling and Allura calms down. She turned to her deck and turned on the map of planets. "Now, down to business. We've gotten two distress signals in the past seventy ticks. The planets are relatively close and we can easily go and do both at the same time if we split into teams." Allura turned to the boys and a screen popped up of Corans face. He twisted his mustache and looked at them.

"On contrary Princess. The Cryogenic Pods are on the Frits! They don't heal and instead, make people worse." The small bit of his orange hair bounced as he spoke.

"Oh dear." Allura mumbled.

"We need this plant," a picture of the plant showed up on the screen. It had three petals, each petal yellow, blue or red with black in the middle leading to the orange center. "The plant has healing essence and can fix the problem. But the pant it is located on is two light years away from the two distress signals."

"Well we can't let either of these matters go." Allura held her hand up to her mouth and mumbled things to herself, trying to figure out how they could do both.

"Why don't we just split into three teams," Shiro stood up. "Hunk and Pidge could go to one distress signal and you and Coran to another then me, Keith and Lance can go get the plant." Shiro smiled.

"Me? With him! No way I'm outa here." Lance walked out of the control room and into the Blue Lion Hanger to wash Blue. Lance needed time away from the others anyway.

Shiro sighed and Pidge patted his back. "I'll go talk to him," she smiled and walked down to the Blue Lion Hanger. She walked in and found Lance sitting on Blues feet with his knees held to his chest. "Lance are you okay?" Pidge walked over to him and Lance jumped and fell off of Blues foot. He quickly stood up and glared at Pidge.

"Yes I'm fine. What do you want?" He quickly began to clean Blue.

"Why don't you want to go on a mission with Shiro? Isn't he like, your idol?" Pidge helped him with cleaning the big metal lion.

"Yeah with Shiro. Not Shiro and Keith." Lance gritted his teeth at his name.

"What's so bad about Keith anyway? He quit the academy so you should be thanking him for giving you the spot he gave up." Pidge looked at Lance who was rolling his eyes.

"He stole that spot from me first off and got me demoted! Now I'm better then him and saved Shiro-"

"With Keith's help," Pidge cracked a smile. "Honestly Lance. I don't see why it's so bad to hate Keith. He's a nice guy if you know him so just give him a chance. Let's go back to the control deck and talk this out more with the others."

"Nuh-uh. I am not going anywhere with Keith!" Lance crossed his arms with an 'x' across his chest.

"Then talk to Shiro about joining a different team. Let's just go, they're waiting for us to get back." Lance looked up at his lion, who purred something in his head. Lance sighed and went with Pidge to the control deck.

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