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Keith's eyes widened as the Blue Lion shut down and got sucked into the ship. "Lance!" Keith shouted as he quickly tried to turn his lion on to get to him. He watched as the ship went into hyper drive and escaped. "Damn it Lance!" Keith shouted and hit his hand against the dash. Voltron put their lions in the ship and Keith couldn't steam down. "They just, took him!"

"Why do you care so much Keith-"

"We can't form Voltron without Lance, Pidge!" Keith shouted and stormed out of the room and it not the training hall. Maybe he could put that anger to good use.

"We need to get Lance back." Shiro crossed his arms.

"But Shiro, we have been getting distress beacons every which way. We need to-"

"No, what we need is to get Lance back. Without him we can't properly help those planets and their people." Shiro barked. Allura nodded and tried to find the Blue Lion.

Lance woke up in a cell. He looked around and saw his side bleeding. He winced when he touched it and the blood was dripping out fast. He looked around and saw other prisoners. "A-Are you guys okay?" Lance asked, ignoring his pain as he moved over to them in the corner of the small room.

"We should ask you that. Who are you?" One alien asked.

"I'm Lance. I pilot the Blue Lion of Voltron," Voltron. "Do you possibly know where they keep their ships?"

"No," another alien spoke. "They only open the door to bring prisoner in, not take any out unless, they want something." Lance sighed and nodded. Keith. He would be devastated.

Lance stood up and grunt as he held his side. "Son sit down. You'll worsen your wound."

"I-I'll be fine. I have to find a way out of here for all of us," he walked to the door, fighting back his pain. "How many prisoners are on board?"

"To many to count," a balmarin stood up. "I am Gobla. I was taken after you save my balmara."

"Do you know Shay?" Lance looked at her.

"Yes. She is in a cell here with her family. I do not know where but they only took a few of us." Gobla said. Lance looked at her arm.

"You're arm," he pointed to it. "What happened to it?" It was covered in bruises and cuts, a fingertip missing.

"They like to experiment. Champion was said to be here once when Zarkon was in rain and made it out before they took anything else from him, but took his arm." Gobla held her arm.

"I was here when Champion escaped," another prisoner spoke. "He ran through here looking for the ships. He tried to get doors open but nothing would work. He left saying he would fee us but sadly, that day has not come."

A light went off in Lances head. "We're there other humans with Shir-Champion when he was here?" Maybe he could help Pidge.

"No. He came alone but some say he was with two other humans before he was brought here." Lance sighed and nodded.

"Shi-Champion will come back. He pilots the black lion of Voltron. I pilot the blue. He'll come for me and then save all of you." Lance smiled and winced as he took his hand off his side. He looked at the black glove, seeing it covered in a liquid substance that was nearly invisible on his hand. He held his side again and fell to the ground, his eyes closing shut.

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