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Lance looked at Keith's ear as it throbbed from Shiro trying to take out his piercings. "Why did you get so many anyway?" Keith looked over at Lance.

"I had a whole plan for when I was old enough to get piercings on my own. I would get this many and maybe a tattoo or two." Keith shrugged and Lance lifted a brow.

"Then why don't you get at a tattoo too while we're still here?" Lance asked, swinging their hands back and forth. Shiro turned to them, a scowl on his face.

"Neither of you are getting tattoos and you're staying with me until we leave, got it?" They nodded and Shiro sighed and they continued walking.

"Why are we even here?" Keith asked.

"Allura wanted something sparkly while Coran needed a part for the ship. Might as well all come in and find something," Shiro answered, not looking at Keith. Keith furrowed his brows and let go of Lances hand and walked in another directions, his hands in his jeans pockets. Shiro turned around again when they were silent and saw Keith was gone and Lance was still behind him. "Where's Keith?" Shiro crossed his arms while Lance shrugged.

"I don't know. I didn't get to see where he went." Shiro sighed and the two went looking for the Red Paladin.

Keith walked into a shop and looked around, looking at all of the items they had. "What are you looking for?" He turned to the shop clerk.

"I don't know. I'm just looking." Keith shrugged his shoulders and the clerk nodded.

"Well you can't leave without buying something." Keith groaned and nodded as they walked away. He found tshirts of Voltron and laughed. He grabbed one for the team, plus Allura and Coran, bought them then left. He walked around more and found more things for everyone. He walked into another shop and found Gulra tech.

"Hello young sir," he looked at the clerk. "Would you like any of this? It was left over from Zarkons rein."

"Uh sure?" He knew it would work with him so he had to be careful of what he chose. He picked up what looked like a small blade but a bright light later a gun was in his hands.

The clerk gasped and hit a button under the table. "Gulra!" Keith began to panic and put the gun down and felt someone push him down to the ground and cuff his wrists. He grunted as they pushed him out of the shop.

"Delinquent," they muttered as Lance and Shiro passed, along with the other shop goers in the mall. "You better hope they don't kill ya." He growled as he was pushed through the mall.

"What's so bad about being part Gulra!" Lance ran in front of them and growled as the alien tried to push past him. "He's the Red Paladin of Voltron! He saved the universe!"

"The Gulra have done nothing but harm these people Lance," Keith looked up at him and dropped the bags in his hands. "Just let me take their punishment."

"No! You didn't-"

"Half of me did!" Keith yelled and pushed past Lance and the security guard pushed him into the small cell.

"They'll decide what to do with you." The guard muttered. Lance stared down at his feet and looked over and saw the bags he dropped. He picked up the bags and the things that fell out, neatly putting them in the bags and standing with Shiro.

Shiro put his hand on Lances shoulder as the others ran to them. "We'll get him out, Lance. Don't worry."

"I-I-I know but he," he ran his hand through his hair and lightly scoffed. "He doesn't deserve to be hurt because of the Gulras mistake." Lance lowered his head.

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