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Keith lifted a brow as Shiro, Allura and Coran stood in front of him. He was wearing a red dress shirt, black jeans and black dress shoes. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail with most of his scars covered in makeup, but they couldn't cover the one on his face that well so they let it be. "He needs a mustache."

"Coran!" Allura and Shiro yelled at him.

"He needs a-"

"Allura for the last time he doesn't need that cape thing," Shiro rolled his eyes. "Maybe a tie."

Keith rolled his eyes and looked in the mirror. He looked fine to him. "I'm okay-"

"No a tie would do you some good," Laura threw a black tie at him and Keith looked down at it in his hands. "Do you not know how to tie one?" Keith sheepishly nodded. Laura rolled her eyes and tied it on him. "Now go on your date with my brother!" She pushed Keith out of the ship and down into the field. Lance walked out of his house in what he said in his head he would wear. He smiled at Keith, blush growing on both of their cheeks.

Keith held Lances hand as they started to walk to the restaurant. As they walked Lance slowly let go of Keiths hands, watching everyone's stares. Lance opened the door for Keith when they reached the restaurant. Keith sat down across from Lance as he nervously looked around. "What's wrong Lance?" Keith asked.

"My neighborhood isn't really known for being Gay Friendly," Lance didn't look Keith in the eye. He looked down at his phone as other couples in the restaurant turned to them. "Huh," Lance looked up at Keith. "Looks like they aren't coming." Lance quickly stood up but Zoey grabbed his arm and pulled him down to his seat.

"You will not be a pussy and leave this date. It took me forever to get my mom to even think about letting you in here again," Zoey smiled and Lance gulped. "Now, what can I get you to drink?" She placed down menus and smiled at the two, the rest still looking at the two, most with glares.

"Water." Keith smiled.

"W-W-W-Water." Lance stammered. He was planning on paying for the whole meal, but he didn't have the courage of all the stares, all eyes on him. He was with a guy, not a girl, and the boy just had to have the biggest scar across his face with his Gulra eye on the Frits because of it. Now, it was yellow. The rest of Voltron snuck into the restaurant since Zoey told them to watch in case Lance tried to run. She knew he would. Hunk and Pidge sat down at a booth, Shiro and Allura in another booth by the door with Coran at the bar. He didn't order anything, just sat and watched every few minutes. Lance gulped as Zoey walked away and got them water.

"Lance," he looked at Keith. "Why are you so nervous?" Zoey set down the water and walked away and served for the other 'couples'.

"I'm generally seen here with girls, not a half alien guy," Lance pointed out his eye. Keith blinked and it was its normal color. "And everyone staring."

"Let them," Zoey came back and they ordered. Lance looked down at his food, poking at it. Keith held his hand on the table. Lance looked up at him and blushed. "Why does it matter if they stare?"

"Not. Gay. Friendly." Lance repeated, everyone still staring. Keith growled and leaned over the table and smashed his lips onto Lances, pulling the tie tucked under the vest to him. The boy couldn't help but blush and kiss back. Keith let go and sat back down.

"If they don't like it, let them freak. I'm happy, all that matters to me," Keith smiled. "Now eat. You're a twig and it getting cold." Lance blinked before smiling and eating what he ordered, a steak while Keith got a Caesar Chicken Salad.

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