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Keith bit his lip as he looked at the door. He didn't...he couldn't...he wouldn't... He stared at the door in awe. The door that he hadn't opened for a month as he let himself become a monster. His arms were purple, his fingers claws, his eyes gold and the skin around it know fur and purple, along with his razor sharp teeth. The fur was spreading down his back and across his chest with his ears now like Gulra ears, the shape of a cone or like a kitten. He pressed a button by the door and it opened wide. He bit his lip as he gripped onto the bag handle and sprinted down the hallway. Everyone would be asleep now anyway. He could just get into an escape pod and never look back.

Keith ran fast. He threw his bag into a shuttle and got in, a helmet he found placed on his head, barely allowing his new ears to set in. He got the shuttle and quickly got ready to take off. Sure, it would be hard to leave Lance-Lance. He dug out his picture and quickly kissed it before turning on the engine and trying to make an escape. He felt eyes on him. He didn't want to look. He saw the glow of purple under his chin as he was about to leave.

"Who are you? Gulra?" Shiro growled. Keith held the picture of Lance in his hand still. Shiro saw and quickly grabbed it and looked at Keith, really looked at Keith. "Keith?" He gulped at the sound of his name. Shiro lowered his hand and gave Keith the photo back. Keith didn't speak. He looked down at the picture of Lance and bit his lip. He grabbed his bag and quickly ran back to his room and shut the door again.

||•The Next Morning•||

Keith paced his room and then smacked his fist against the wall, leaving a small dent. The sound echoed through the halls of the ship as Keith punched the wall again and again. The sounds of his whimpers and hiccups as he cried echoed further in his ears, ringing almost. Like the alarm in his head as he punched the wall again and again, blood streaming down his knuckles and bruised hands. His brain told him stop, no more, you'll break. But he didn't listen. He felt the cool liquid go down his arms until he heard it drip onto the ground.

He looked at the small drop of blood as more flooded down his arms. He looked at his knuckles, the fur on his knuckles bloody, the skin under completely missing, due to it being scratched off. he winced as he looked down at him hands. Keith cursed at himself for doing that to his hands.

"Keith!" He heard multiple people run to his room but only one voice shouted his name. He bit his lip as he looked at his door and heard hands hit it. "Keith! Please, open the door," Lance begged. "I miss you, a lot. Please open the door." He heard a small thump and knew Lance placed his head against the door. Keith walked over to the door and placed his head against the door as well. His left hand, in a fist, let go on the door and flattened against the door. His right hand reached over to the buttons and his fingers tempted to open the door. He bit his lip as his finger pressed against the button and his door spread open. Lances dark blue eyes met with Keith's gold ones.

"H-Hi Lance." Keiths voice was shaky, unstable. Lance quickly wrapped his arms around Keith as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I missed you so much!" He hiccuped as he hugged him. His knees gave out and they crumpled to the floor in a hug neither of them wanted to let go of the other.

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