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Lance woke up at half past midnight to the bed empty. He looked around then walked downstairs and found Keith trying to find something to eat in his pantry. "Now Lance." Blue spoke in his head. He blushed and walked to Keith and towered over him.

Keith turned and looked up at Lance. "What's up Lance?" Lance took Keith's upper arms in his hands.

"Keith," he tried to find his words. "I love your eyes."

"Uh th-"

"Your hair, your smile," blush spread on Lances cheeks, as did Keiths. "I love you Keith."

Keith blushed as he looked up at the tall boy. "Lance..."

"I understand if you don't like me back but I just had to get it off of my chest and-" Keith went on his tippy toes and pressed his lips to Lances. Lance blushed and soon kissed him back and Keith let go and pressed his feet to the ground.

"Let's uh, go to bed." Keith blushed and they walked upstairs and into Lances room. They lied down, back to back. They turned and faced each other.

"Keith?" Lance bit his lip.

"Yes Lance?" Keith looked into his eyes and blushed.

"Are we, a thing now?" Lance blushed as he asked such a simple question. Keith blushed and nodded. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith and entangled their legs. Keith did the same, his head digging into his chest.

"I love you too Lance." Keith blushed as the words left his mouth. Neither slept.

||•The Morning•||

"Hunk!" Pidge yelled as she crashed into the ship to see him cooking. "You have to come with me!" She pulled on his arm and pulled him outside. The Green Lion lifted them up to Lances window and they looked in seeing Lance and Keith holding each other, clearly awake.

"Woah Pidge!" Hunk looked through the window as Shiro walked outside. He climbed up the Green Lion and looked through the window. "Shiro, do you see this!" Hunk laughed and Shiro chuckled and nodded.

"Looks like they want to keep it a secret. So for now, let's say nothing until they confirm it." The two nodded and went back to doing their own thing. Shiro walked up the stairs to Lances room and knocked on the door after entering, walking in on them kissing.

"Sh-Shiro!" Lance stuttered and Keith backed away from Lance and looked at Shiro, his face as red as a tomato.

"We-We can explain!" Keith stuttered, both boys blushing madly.

Shiro laughed and shook his head. "As long as you tell the others soon then I don't mind," Shiro smiled and both boys blushed more. "And you two make a lovely couple." Shiro walked out of Lances room and Lance and Keith looked at each other before blushing more and looking away from each other.

"I-I need to get dressed," Lance mumbled and Keith quickly grabbed his jacket and ran out of his room. Lance silently laughed and got dressed then walked down for breakfast. The two boys sat next to each other, somewhat holding hands under the table and fighting for all the food on the table. "Mine!" Lance grabbed the last two pieces of bacon off of the plate before his father could.

"Lance." Joshua said in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry but you snooze you lose." Keith grabbed the two slices and ate them before Lance could.

"Snooze you lose." Keith smirked and grabbed two pieces from his plate and snuck them to Lance under the table. He ate them fast and they ate the rest of their breakfast. Lance went off to play in the lake with his siblings and Keith watched from the shore.

"Keith," Allura sat next to him in an earth bathing suit. "Why don't you go swim?"

"I don't have a swimsuit. Where did you get yours?" Keith pointed at the purple and white bikini.

"Lances sister gave it to me to use. Why don't you ask Lance for one? You look around the same size." Keith blushed lightly.

"I-I'll ask later." He stuttered.

"No now. I want to see you in a bathing suit, but I do have a question," Keith looked at Allura. "How can you bath in a suit?"

Keith laughed. "A bathing suit is an outfit you can wear in the water so you don't show any of your bits to people. On earth it's considered flashing and that's a bad thing."

"Is it suppose to show this much of me?"

"The one you're wearing? Yeah. It's called a bikini then there's a one piece that covers your stomach and a lot more for girls. Boys just have shorts like the ones Lance is wearing." Keith pointed to Lance in the water. He looked over at them then walked over.

"Hey guys what're you talking about?" Lance crossed his arms.

"Lance! I want you to give Keith a bathing suit. I want to see all of my Paladins having a nice time."Allura smiled.

"O-Okay. Follow me Keith." They walked into the house.

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