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Header image took me a total of
three hours to make
Lance stayed in bed all day. He wouldn't get out for the slightest thing. Not bacon, training or family time. Cynthia a walked into his room and sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his back. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked, her voice as gently as kittens fur.

"What do I do if the person I like hates me?" Lance turned to face his mother and she sighed and gently kissed his forehead.

"Well it depends on who you like Lance," Cynthia rubbed his shoulder. "Who's the lucky girl?" Lance shook his head. "Oh come on Lance. I'm your mom, you can tell me."

"It's," he sighed with a small scoff. "It's not a girl mom." He hid his burning cheeks from her.

"Oh," Cynthia nodded. "Then who is the lucky boy who has my special boys heart?" Lance looked up to her and shakily sighed after taking a deep breath.

Shakily, he said his name as it took everything out of him to admit it to anyone else, even his own mother. "Keith..." Lance trailed out, looking out the window to see Keith sitting on a log talking to Shiro.

"What do you mean, Keith. About earlier?" Shiro asked. He knew what he meant, he just wanted to be sure.

"I mean what I said, Shiro. I think I'm in love with Lance." He knew that was a bold choice of words but he meant it.

"I know I told you two to get along but this is not what I meant." Shiro laughed and Keith rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Wh-Wh-Whatever. I'm gonna go train," Keith ran into the ship, into the training deck and started to fight the robots. He stopped when he felt a pain in his hand. He looked down at it and saw a small patch of purple fur on his palm when he took his glove off. "N-No." Keith muttered as he slid his glove back on. He continued to fight, like he didn't just see what he did.

||•Four Hours Later•||

Lance stayed in bed and looked at his wall of pictures. All pictures of him and his family in photo booths, them when they were little, or past girlfriends. He looked at every single one of them. They were all different. Blonde hair, black eyes, Asian. Black hair, green eyes, Latina. Brown hair, brown eyes, Russian. So many girls he loved and now, the first boy to make it on the wall, hopefully. (Find all the girls!)

Lance sat up and reached into his jacket and pulled out a picture he found of all of them in Pidges room. He pinned it to the wall and looked at all of them. Coran holding the phone and a peace sign, Allura smiling and holding Shiro in a weak headlock while he was smiling too. Hunk carrying Pidge as Rover flew over them. Him with a smile on and his arm around Keith neck while Keith had his arms crossed with a weak smile on. Lance weakly smiled as his fingertips lightly touched Keith's face.

he set his hand down and looked down at his hands then turned onto his back and looked up at the sky. He heard a knock on his door and weakly grunted. Shiro walked into his room and stood over his bed as Lance switched and lied on his stomach, his pillow tangled in his arms. "Lance we need to train as a group," he dug his head into the pillow and Shiro rolled his eyes. "You need to get out of bed Lance. Allura says there could be a threat heading our way and we need to be ready. She said we need to form Voltron at least once today." He crossed his arms.

"Can I do it from my bed?" Lance mumbled into his pillow and Shiro sighed and sat on the edge. Lance looked up at him.

"What's wrong Lance?" He just dug his head into his pillow. "Space dad says tell me." SHiro lightly laughed

"We're not in space," Shiro rolled his eyes and Lance sighed and sat up in his bed. He held his knees to his chest with a blanket to comfort him. "I think Keith actually hates me," Lance bit his lip then flicked it out of his mouth. "I just joke around with it but I think he means it."

Shiro sighed and stood up. "He doesn't. Trust me. Just get out of bed, get dressed into your suit then let's form Voltron once then you can get back in bed, okay?" Lance sighed and nodded and Shiro smiled and walked out of his room.

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