~Chapter Nineteen~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

God, I'm so nervous...

What if something bad happens?!

Sango and Kagome must've noticed my worry, because, they rushed to my side.

"(y/n), there's nothing to worry about."

"Kagome's right. Today is you and InuYasha's day. Don't let your worry ruin the most magical day of your life."

Sango and Kagome are right.

I smiled, making the two females in front of me smile as well.

"Glad you finally see it our way. Now, let's get you out there!"

The knot of worry in my stomach decided to come back...

...Lucky me...

After I entered the marriage room, we each said our vows, and, everything else you normally do, in a marriage ceremony.

Then, the most magical kiss of my life came.

The kiss that sealed InuYasha and I together.

For all eternity.    

There, that's the end! I hope you all enjoyed the five-book-long series! I had planned to make a sixth book, a while ago... But, I soon realized that I don't have any ideas for another story. Plus, it seems like here's a good place to end. So, thanks to everyone who stayed with me, to the very end. I have other stories, for other fandoms, if you're interested. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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