~Chapter Six~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

Beep, beep, beep.....What is that strange noise? Wait, is that an alarm clock? I haven't heard one of those in a long time....

"(y/n), time to wake up!" I opened my eyes, to see Kagome hovering over me. "What?!" "We need to get ready for school." "Oh....OH!"

"Here, I made some boxed lunches for you." "Thanks." Kagome's mother is so sweet. The four of us then started heading towards the school. I just hope things don't turn into a disaster....

I don't get it. Everyone's staring at us. But, our demon physical features are hidden. So, why're they staring at us? "Don't' worry, they're only looking, because, you're new. Nothing to stress over." "Oh, okay."

"Oh, my god! Kagome!" I looked to see students I sort of remembered. "So, are you feeling better?" "Yes, I am." "And, wait a second....No way! Aren't you (y/n)!?" "Um....Yes?" "We haven't seen you in forever!" "When have you been?!" "Um...." 'What to say!?' "She had a terrible, terrible disease." "Oh...." This seemed to satisfy them.

"I'm surprised your bad boy's here at school." "Yeah...." Oh, wait?! Why are they calling InuYasha Kagome's bad boy? "Kagome...." I whispered, quiet enough, so Kagome's friends couldn't hear it. "They think InuYasha's my boyfriend. Please, play along." I nodded, making Kagome sigh in relief.

"InuYasha...Pretend to like Kagome...." I said, so quietly, that only demons, and half-demons, could hear it. I bet InuYasha's ears twitched. But, since I can't see them, who knows? Though, I was relieved, by InuYasha nodding his head.

"So, Kagome, who's the new hottie!?" Kagome's friend, Ayumi, said, while motioning to Sesshomaru, who was sitting in a seat, looking out the window. "That's Sesshomaru, InuYasha's brother." "Wow, really?! Is he taken!?" "I'm not sure...." "Wow, he looks so hot! I would love to date him!" "Me too!" "But, why is he here?" "Um...He's the same age as InuYasha, that's why...." "Oh." Soon, class ended, and, we had to sit down.

"Today, we have three new students. Would you please stand up, and, introduce yourselves to the class?" Guess I'm first. I stood up. Everyone looked at me. "Hello, I'm (y/n). (y/n), (y/l/n). I used to come here. That is, until I got very sick. But, it's nice to be back." I sat down. "Thank you."

"And you?" The teacher said, while looking at Sesshomaru. He stared at the teacher, and, did nothing. "Please, stand up, and, introduce yourself." Sesshomaru did nothing. "Okay then...."

"And, how about you?" The teacher directed this to InuYasha. Here we go... "Why must I?" "Because." "That'snot a reason!" The teacher sighed. "Fine. Don't introduce yourself." The teacher then started his class. I sighed, as well. Just how long can we survive like this?    

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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