~Chapter Ten~

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~InuYasha's P.O.V~

It's now what the future calls 'Lunch hour.' Apparently, you get an hour to eat, in the classroom. But, seriously, who needs a full hour to eat a lunch?!

"Hey, how about you feed Kagome?" Wait, what? I looked to see who said it, to reveal it was one of Kagome's friends. "Yeah!" Another said. "And, how about Sesshomaru feeds (y/n)?!" "This could be a sign that you lovely couples like each other!" "No way! No way I'm-" "Fine, I'll do it." We all looked at Sesshomaru. I looked at him, in utter shock. (y/n) looked nervous, as Sesshomaru fed her. My blood began to boil. How dare Sesshomaru feed my (y/n)!

Kagome seemed to notice my frustration, and, whispered into my ear. "Don't worry, this won't last forever." I sure hope so. But, still, what's up with Sesshomaru?

~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

This is odd. Why would Sesshomaru willingly agree to feed me. Something's up, I just know it...

~InuYasha's P.O.V~

After we got home, from the stressful, and irritating day at school, I pulled Sesshomaru into a secluded room. "Just what do you think you're doing!?" Sesshomaru didn't say anything. Damn, I'm starting to get really annoyed.

I lifted my hand, to slap him, but, he blocked the slap. "You're no match for me." I growled, before leaving, in a huff. Maybe I should take (y/n) out on a date. Then, Sesshomaru will see that he's no match for me. After all, (y/n) loves me, not my bitchy brother.     

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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