~Chapter Eighteen~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

When I returned to the spot, where InuYasha had told me to go to, I noticed a lovely done picnic dinner. It even had my favorite food.

"Come, sit." InuYasha said, while patting a spot, for me to sit down on.

I sat down.

After doing so, we ate, and, just had a great time, talking to each other.

A curious spark then entered my head.

"So, InuYasha, why'd you pick today, here, and, now, of all days, places, and, times, to have our date?"

"Because, I didn't want anything to get in my way."

"Your way of what?"

I'm so confused.

InuYasha then grabbed my hand, and, got on one knee.

No way! Is InuYasha...

"(y/n), when I first met you... I thought you were a pain, a huge pain..."

Wow, way to start this off.

"But, those feelings... My feelings... For you... Have changed... I truly love you, (y/n). And... I now know that you're the one... The one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. So, (y/n)... Will you marry me?" InuYasha said, while pulling out the most beautiful (Favorite color jewel/gem) I had ever seen.

"... YES!" I said, before hugging InuYasha, as tears of joy fell down my face.

InuYasha then put the ring on my finger, cupped my face, and, pulled me in for a kiss.

This is it.

My love of my life.

He's going to be with me.


Sorry it was so short. I'm terrible at writing proposal scenes... Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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