He tapped the dashboard fondly as he examined it very fondly. The car had some real hi-tech features like a robot voice which you could talk to. Jayden adjusted it's voice to a female one and smirked at Dylan.

"Nice baby you've got here." He grinned as Chase snorted with laughter. Dylan nodded chuckling as Dennis hi-fived Chase laughing.

I didn't get what was so funny. Not at all.

I rolled my eyes fondly.

Boys and their stupid passion for cars.

"I'm glad you like it. Now drive unless you want to reach at midnight." Dylan pointed towards the road.

"Yeah dude, chill." Jayden looked at him knowingly. "I don't get why you're so eager?"

"Just shut your ass up and drive." Dylan urged him forcefully causing all of us to laugh.

"Bipolar much?" Chase teased Dylan causing me to giggle.

Wow Chase, Wow. Exactly my thoughts.

Dylan glared at Chase and mouthed somthing at which Chase burst out laughing even louder and soon, much to Dylan's irritation and to my dismay they were laughing their heads off like crazy.

Like I didn't even get the joke.

Dylan glanced at me and I shrugged still smiling from the guys' bickering.
His eyes held something very intense, I could not look away. His blue eyes were so captivating.







I was turning into a goddamn thesaurus. Phew!

But you get the gist, right? The truth was they were so deep blue that I could drown in them. I could faintly remember a pick up line on blue eyes that I once read on Tumblr, something that went along the lines of "your eyes are so blue and baby, I'm lost at sea." but I wasn't sure.

Anyway, I was so tempted to try this pickup line on Dylan but I stopped myself due to some very valid reasons:

1. I would become the butt of jokes of the guys, something I wasn't very eager for.

2. Dylan would officially declare me a creep with a certain fetish for blue eyes.

Not a very good scenario, now that I picture it.

3. I would never ever hear the end of it even if I plugged my ears, suffocated myself with pillows and died.

And thinking about It, all of these things were something that I wished would never happen because let's face it guys, nobody and I mean nobody wants to be made fun of and labelled as a creep.



Mira looked at me and shrugged. Our gazes locked. I was sure I hadn't seen such killer features ever in my life.
Those wide brown eyes, long, straight nose and don't even get me started on that mouth.

Her hair was tied in a messy way as if she had put them up in a hurry and she looked totally at home in that hairstyle. She didn't care a bit that she was heading out with the most popular people and she didn't care if people would make fun of her. She was her own being. Her own self. Content in herself. She didn't care what people thought but then again she cared a lot.

She was complicated that way and that drew me in. Her complexity mesmerised me. I could see her as a vulnerable girl who set out to mark a different path for herself just with sheer grit and an unshakable confidence in herself.

Across Boundaries (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now