Oh, look, it's the idiot brothers!

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Today we were celebrating the twins' second birthday. Elijah was almost three, with Junior already five. We were getting the party ready for everyone, and the twins weren't cooperating. If Matthew wasn't running around naked, Elizabeth was with Ryan and me chasing behind with clothes. That might be a problem when they get older. Ryan has already threatened to chain them to their beds if that happens.

The others arrived at our chaos to help us. The grandparents were busy setting up the party while we wrangled both kids. As soon as we got them dressed, they stripped even quicker. Ugh, this would be hell.

"Looks familiar," Frazier said.

"Yeah, but at least Ryan didn't strip naked. Nobody wants to see that," Jordan added.

"Seriously? I don't want to hear about my brother being naked." Elena scrunched her face.

"Maybe we should lend them a hand," said Marissa.

Then they all looked at each other, "Nah."

We finally got the twins dressed after yelling at them, especially Ryan's booming voice calling the guys. I was in the room with the twins. The guys stood there, looking fearsome in front of them. Matthew and Elizabeth looked up at them as the guys looked down at them. Ryan was in the middle with Jordan on his right and Dylan on the left.

He cracked his knuckles, as did the others.

"Now, are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way," Ryan asked them. Then the unthinkable happened; They both gave him raspberries, and I tried to hold my laughter.

They giggled as Ryan crouched down in front of them. "You think that's funny to defy your father?"

They wrapped their arms around his neck. "We love you, Daddy."

Ryan melted once they said that and wrapped his muscular arms around them. "I love you both, my little troublemakers." Yep, with the twins, Ryan became a softy. I wonder how he would be when we had more kids?

He let go of them, and they yelled, "Grandpas!"

Ryan flinched from their high pitch. "Go ahead." They ran past him in our father's arms, who picked them up and took them downstairs.

He looked at me as I laughed. "Thanks for the backup, wife."

"Well, I can't help it if you're a big marshmallow with them," I giggled. We stood up.

"Oh look, it's the idiot brothers bested by twin two-year-olds," Elena said.

"Well, if marshmallow over here would stop turning into one, we would have a better handle on things," Jordan said, pointing to Ryan.

"There goes our street creed," Frazier said, shaking his head.

"What street creed? You grew up in the suburbs," Marissa challenged him.

"You're killing my vibe; you know that," he said, walking by her.

She smacked him upside the head. "You don't have any vibe Pillsbury Doughboy."

They bantered back and forth as they left. Jordan and Elena followed suit, and I looked at Ryan and shrugged. He took my hand, and we went downstairs.

The birthday party was fun as the kids played together with Junior wrangling all of them. He is the oldest; he took charge. Cole and Amy also came bringing their daughter, who was about the same age as Elijah, and Dean came with his wife Morgan with their little boy was around the same age as the twins.

The guys were all talking, as were us, girls.

"I can't believe we all have kids," Marissa said.

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