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I woke up to the alarm clock blaring with Ryan smashing it with his fist, sending it flying onto the floor. I opened my eyes to see him on his stomach with a pillow over his head. I climbed onto his back and lay down on him, snuggling my face into his neck. He reached up, feeling my body, then mumbled, "Thank god, it's not Frazier."

"I take it you guys do a lot of spooning," I cooed in his ear.

"No, he's a lot heavier," he said, pulling the pillow off of his head and turning, positioning himself on his back as I lay on his chest. He reached up and pulled me into a kiss. "Morning, baby," Ryan greeted me.

"Morning," I replied as I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and enjoying being there with him until we heard, "We're seniors, bitches!"

I popped my head up, looking at Ryan, and our eyes widen. "Oh, no," we both said. We scrambled out of bed as Frazier flew into our room, jumping onto our bed. We stood there and looked at each other as Ryan ran his hand through his hair.

"Come on, you guys! One more year and we graduate!"

"Jordan," Ryan yelled.

Jordan came in the room and said, "On it," grabbing Frazier off the bed and out of the room as Frazier yelled, "whoa!" He closed the door behind him, then we heard, "Ow, not so hard!"

I threw up my hands. "I will take a shower."

"Sounds good to me," Ryan said, running up behind me, pushing me into the bathroom and shutting the door behind us, making me laugh.

After showering and coming downstairs, we found everyone in the kitchen having breakfast. Luci handed us our plates, and we joined the others.

"Took you both long enough," Frazier wiggled his eyebrows. 

Ryan shot him a glare, and I rolled my eyes as Ryan said, "Cleanliness is next to godliness. You would know if you ever shower."

"I'll have you know I don't stink," he said, taking a whiff and making a face. "Well, shit, be right back." He got up and headed for the bathroom.

"He was so excited for us being seniors he might have forgotten to take a shower." Marissa shrugged.

"That's comforting to know," Jordan said, taking a bite of bacon.

"All of you may want to get your things, or you will be late for your first day," Mason said, taking a sip of coffee, making us scarf down our food before leaving.

As we passed by the stairs, Ryan yelled up to Frazier. "Hey, Numb-nuts hurry, or you will walk!"

Frazier came running down the stairs, pulling on his shirt. "I'm coming, dipshit. You're so impatient," earning a smack from Ryan.

As the door closed, Mason looked at Luci. "My brother has some crazy kids."

"Just like his brothers." She smiled.

We pulled up to the college and got out with all of us walking up to the entrance. I looked up and stared. It reminded me of the first day of my senior year in high school. I knew this was my last year and was happy for it to an end. This time I felt differently standing there with the five of them. I felt sad.

Not sad in the school's sense ends. That I was happy about, but sad knowing after this year, we would go our separate ways doing the adult thing. Ryan grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, then I realized something. Who was I kidding? No matter what, I would always be around my crazy ass friends. They're like a fungus you can't get rid of; no matter how hard you try to, it keeps coming back, over and over.

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