Can't we catch a break?

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After the visit to Joseph's, I felt mentally exhausted. It was so much to take in, plus almost used as a punching bag by two burly men didn't help matters. We didn't stay much longer after I mentioned Hunter, who they referred to as the ghost. I had wondered if I had signed my death warrant by meeting Hunter? From what I gathered the moment you meet him, you exist to be alive. Elliot was the same way to take care of business.

When we got back, I sneaked out and went for a walk. I know a big no, no, but I needed time to clear my mind and collect my thoughts about everything. I had information overload, and it was exhausting.

As I walked, lost deep in my thoughts, I felt someone grab my arm. After what happened in the classroom, I whipped around. I delivered a kick to the person, but they caught my ankle. I looked to find Ryan holding my ankle.

I gave him a look, and he said, "You shouldn't be out here by yourself."

"Sorry, I needed some time alone to decompress from everything and gather my thoughts."

"You know I would have been more than happy taking a walk with you, not talking," he winked at me.

I gave him a look, then rolled my eyes at him before asking, "Can you let go of my ankle? My leg is getting tired."

"Yeah, sure," he said, releasing his hands from my ankle, and I found my footing. He walked towards me, putting his hands on my waist, pulling me to him. I laid my head into his chest as I let out a deep breath.

"It'll be okay," he said to me with his chin on top of my head.

"I just want it to be over with."

"I do, too, baby," he said to me. As he lifted my chin to bring my lips to his, we heard gunfire and dove behind the first thing we could find, a brick wall. They kept shooting as I covered my head while Ryan tried to protect me. He pulled out his phone and typed a message.

As they shot at us, I looked at him, "What are we going to do?"

He inhaled deeply. "I don't know, but it helps on the way."

They kept shooting at us, but we couldn't figure out where it was coming from with the shooting. I had one arm on the ground and another hand on Ryan. When I moved my hand that was on Ryan, I saw blood. My eyes widen. "Oh god," I said.

Ryan looked down to see blood on my hand and then lifted his shirt to see he was bleeding. I looked at him in shock as he looked back at me with a furrowed look. "Fuck!"

"We got to get you out of here," I said to him frantically.

"Alex, it's a flesh wound," he said, pulling up his shirt for me to see.

"Ryan, you still need medical attention."

"I know, but it will not help if I'm dead," he shot me a look.

They kept shooting at us, keeping us pinned behind a wall. First, someone attacks me in a locked classroom; then I receive a bomb, now a sniper is trying to take us out. Can't we catch a break?

As we stayed put, the shooting halted. A man appeared in front of us, and he pushed me off of Ryan so he could get to him. I sat there terrified, not knowing what was happening. Then the guy picked up Ryan, carrying him over his shoulders to a helicopter.

I scrambled to my feet and ran after them, but by the time I got there, they were already in the air flying away, leaving me behind. I stood there alone; then it hit me. I was in plain view of the sniper. I ran back over to the wall and sat down. I pulled my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs.

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