Priorities change

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A few days later, they released me from the hospital with both babies, and Ryan helped me get settled once we were home. Then I realized. We hadn't even started the nursery, and where would the babies going to sleep. They couldn't sleep in their carriers all the time. Well, this was great.

Ryan started heading upstairs with Matthew in tow, and I took Elizabeth. I guess they will sleep with us. Ryan had us set the carriers down in our room since they were both asleep.

Then he took my hand. "Come on; I got a surprise for you."

"Ryan, I'm exhausted. Can't it wait?"

"Trust me, you'll like this," he said, dragging me behind him. We went to a bedroom with the door closed.

He turned to me. "Now, this was to be your surprise after your shower, but the twins changed plans."

He opened the door and brought me into the room, and my jaw dropped in shock. There was the nursery, done in blue and pink. I looked at him, "How did you know the colors?"

"While you were asleep, I called the guys and told them," he said with a soft smile.

I walked into the room with amazement. It was beautiful. The guys set everything up, and there were two rocking chairs next to each other. I looked at him, "Two rocking chairs?"

He walked over to me and shoved his hands in his pockets, then looked at me. "So, we can spend time with our little ones together. I thought it would be special for the two of us."

I reached up and brought his lips to mine. "I could not love you more than I do right now."

He put his arms around me and kissed me again, deepening the kiss. Then we heard the babies cry. We went into our bedroom, carrying the twins into their room. I took a seat in the rocking chair with Matthew; Ryan sat down in the other rocking chair with Elizabeth. We rocked them together, and I looked at Ryan, and he was talking to Elizabeth. That was a different side I saw of him. I saw how much a father loves his children, and it warmed my heart. This love differed entirely from me. He was beaming with pride.

After all this time, we finally got our wish.

Things got hectic while I was off on maternity leave. Ryan took paternity leave to help me. We tagged teamed with the twins. When one was up, the other was sleeping? When one needed changing, the other needing fed. We both bathe them together, and we had to dress them quickly. Matthew liked to show off and even got Ryan in the face twice. We learned as soon as we took off the diaper to cover Matthew quickly before changing him.

My leave ended quickly, and I was back to work with Mom taking care of the twins for us. I didn't feel comfortable with anyone else taking care of them and call it paranoia, but I was a new mother. Getting back to work was hard, and I called several times a day to check on the babies. Mom was always telling me that they were okay and not to worry.

As soon as the day ended, I rushed home to them, as did Ryan. That happened every single day, and it was making it hard to concentrate on work. I remember I was in the twin's room one night and staring at them as they slept.

A pair of muscular arms wrapped around from behind me. "You know they aren't going anywhere."

"I know."

"Alex, what's wrong? You were not yourself since you went back to work."

"I can't do this," I whispered.

He let go of me and looked at me. "Can't do what?"

I looked at him, "I can't be away from them for hours. We've tried for so long, and when I'm at work, I feel like I'm missing so much."

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