Chapter 18

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I'm sooo sorry, I am the biggest slacker of the earth for taking this long...

How's the new cover?!

Dedicated to


How I've missed you...

Your soft lips...

Your delicate arms...

Wake up.

Naruto instantly woke up in cold sweat, he looked around frantically as the surroundings started to become familiar. The room was dark with the curtains that casted shadows from the busy streets of Konoha.

He stood up slowly rubbing his eyes in attempts to remove the remaining drowsiness. He was still in Tenten's home.

It was all a dream...

Suddenly the door from the room he slept in slowly opened revealing a silent Tenten. She quickly turned around and shut the door softly completely unaware that the blond man was standing there before her clad in his trousers.

His cobalt eyes remained at the brunettes head until she finally faced him. Her chocolate orbs froze at the sight of the blond. His blond locks all disheveled, his slight tan colored skin, the traces of the many scars of his past.

"N-Naruto! You're awake!" Said Tenten breaking the silence.

Did I actually try to kiss her in my dreams?

Naruto waved not saying a single word. He stepped forth and walked slowly towards the brunette. For some reason she couldn't move. She stood frozen, mesmerized by the sight.

Naruto then breezed past the frozen brunette and began retrieving his belongings.

"Don't go out there Naruto"

Naruto didn't respond back, he resumed back to his belongings and finally grabbed his final piece, his cloak. He put the cloak over himself and walked forth towards the door Tenten came in earlier.

"It's time to fix things" said Naruto before opening the door with a soft squeal. He shut the door behind him totally thrown off by her mood. Why is she afraid?

The cold evening winds hits Naruto's face making him shut his eyes for a brief moment. Being inside indoor for too long will do this sort of thing. He breathed in the refreshing winds filling his lungs before exhaling all thought and doubt from himself. He needed to apologize, and explain himself.

But before he could even step, there was a rough voice that stopped him in his tracks. Before he knew it, he was surrounded by the sounds of chain mail.

"Hokage-sama has summoned you, Naruto Uzumaki" the officer announced putting away the scroll he was tasked with "Fail to cooperate and this would turn to a forceful escort, do you understand?"

What is the meaning of this?, thought Naruto before silently obeying their request. He could visibly see the soldiers stiff shoulders relax once he cooperated. Not everyone felt quite alright next to someone who could potentially wipe them out.

The sounds of boots and chainmail filled the streets. Villagers made way looking through the crowd of guards the covered Naruto. There were vile comments such as "murderer" "thief" "demon". Naruto smiled inwardly, how he loved the hatred.


Soon the castle came into view, the embodiment of power. The hidden leaf crest proudly displayed. Many guards in attention with the highest of quality.

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