Chapter 36 -Super Nova | Jason

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Jason woke the next morning to loud shuffling coming from the kitchen. He got up and hoped the noise meant breakfast.

Halfway down the hall, Jason froze. He stared at the red drops and smears from his front door toward the kitchen. What the fuck?

Jason held his breath. He slowly stepped forward to peek around the corner. The living room was empty—no sign of Sam, Aaron, or Rachel. Whose blood is it?

Jason froze again when a loud bang sounded from the kitchen. He pressed his back against the wall and strained his ears to listen.

He could hear water running. Jason stepped around the corner to get a better view of the kitchen.

Jason gasped at the stranger in his kitchen. She had vivid red hair and held her arm under the running tap.

"Who the hell are you?"

The woman glanced around with a pale face. "Oh hey, handsome. Hand me a towel, will you?"

"You..." Jason felt his stomach sink. This was the second woman at the dock.

"Sorry for crashing," —she looked around— "and for dripping blood all over."

Jason grimaced at the blood smears covering his floor and kitchen cabinets.

She turned the tap off. The moment the water stopped the blood began dripping down her arm again. She pressed the palm of her hand over the nasty gash in her arm with a grimace.

Jason rushed to grab a towel from the pantry and threw it to her.

She caught it mid-air. "Thanks." She pressed it against her arm.

"Why are you here?"

She shrugged. "I needed a safe place to go. Besides this is the second time we my book that makes us well acquainted."

Jason sighed and dragged a hand through his hair. "Let me guess, Nova, right?"

She nodded "See Nightshade spilled the beans."

Jason frowned. "Who?"


Jason huffed. "Clearly not enough, and you are wrong if you think you are welcome here."

Nova inhaled deeply. "Hate to break it to you but Skylar is in major trouble."

Jason felt a heavy drop in his stomach.

Nova sighed. "Listen, I'll tell you everything but please, do you have a first aid kit?"

Jason stared at her. She looked deathly pale. "Yeah, stay here."

Jason walked to fetch the kit from his en suite. He grabbed his phone on the nightstand and dialed Skylar.

"Jason, you're up early," she croaked through the phone.

"Nova is in my apartment."

Jason heard her curse under her breath,

"Jason, don't trust her, please be on guard."

Jason frowned. "You said she was a friend."

"I lied. She's dangerous."

"She's hurt."

Skylar gasp. "I'm on my way." She ended the call.

Jason dropped the phone on the bed with a frown. Something's not right.

He returned with the first aid kit but paused to stare at the empty living room again. "Was the house empty when you came in?"

Nova looked worse. She swayed on her feet with her eyes closed but nodded slightly. "Yes."

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