Chapter 28 - Bad News | Jason

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Wide eyed
I'm terrified
I tell myself I'm fine

— As above, so Below by Cxssidy

— As above, so Below by Cxssidy

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Aaron was on edge. He remained silent while walking back to the dressing room.

Jason closed the door behind him. "What's up with you man?"

Aaron sighed heavily. He stared at the floor for a few seconds before he looked up.

Jason pulled on his hoodie. "Just spit it out, Aaron." Jason was eager to get back to Skylar.

Aaron pulled his hands down his face. "Alright, might get to the point."

Jason sat down to pull on his sneakers.

"I found something and you're not gonna like it."

Jason tied his laces and looked up.

Aaron started pacing the room. "Donna Hale, Skylar's mother, didn't die in a car crash as official records state. Donna Hale was brutally murdered by a Rider."

Jason shot out of his chair. His ribs protested from the sudden movement. "What?"

"Jason," —Aaron turned to look at Jason— "the Rider that murdered her mother was my father."

Jason pulled both hands through his hair. "Are you sure?"

Aaron nodded with a grim expression.

"Fuck. That means my father gave the order." Jason shared the guilt Aaron felt.

Aaron nodded "Are you going to tell her?"

Jason shook his head. "Not yet, though I'll have to...eventually, but—"

"But you can't tell her without outing yourself." Aaron placed his hands on his hips. "Jason, I hate to say it but maybe this girl's the one you have to let go."

Jason glared at him. "Let's first find out why the hit was called, and who was in on the cover-up."

Aaron shook his head. "Fine, I will see what I can find." He shifted his weight "Jason?"

Jason picked up his bag and keys. "Yeah?"

"Please, don't let her cloud your judgment. There was a second woman at the docs, and this is motive enough for Skylar to seek revenge on the Riders. We don't know what she knows."

Jason sighed. "Aaron—"

"Don't tell me you don't think her showing up wasn't sudden. And look at you, she got you wrapped around her finger."

Jason pulled a hand down his face. "I don't care if she is the attacker at this point." He understood Aaron's apprehension toward Skyla, but he also knew he owed her the truth, regardless.

Aaron shook his head. "You're head over heels for this woman."

Jason frowned, but then relaxed his face with a deep sigh. "There's just something about her...I can't explain it, but I've never felt like this before."

Aaron uncrossed his arms and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well, then we better make an ally out of her, and soon, before she brings us all to our knees."

"Assuming she is the second woman."

Aaron didn't even crack a smile. "For once, I hope I'm wrong."

"Let's just go." Jason walked out of the dressing room.

They drove in silence. Jason suspected Aaron felt as guilty as he did.

"Why cover up the murder of a waitress? What am I missing?" Aaron mumbled under his breath.

Jason gripped the steering wheel tighter. "We'll figure it out."

Jason pulled up to the gym. He parked his Mustang next to Leo's Hammer.

Aaron stared at the dark Audi and sighed. "She's still here."

Jason swallowed. "They will want to celebrate, but I need to talk to Skylar alone."

Aaron nodded and climbed out of the car. He stared at Jason over the roof of the car. "You sure you want to do this? We could just keep this to ourselves until we know more?"

Jason shook his head and started walking to the entrance. "I'm not going to tell her about the murder, but I am going to confront her about the docks."

Aaron jogged to block Jason's path. "Wait..." —he held up a hand— "that will mean outing yourself."

Jason nodded and sidestepped Aaron.

Aaron followed. "Jason—"

"Aaron, I have to know. You have to trust me to handle this, besides you're convinced she was the second woman so that means she already saw me there."

Aaron sighed. "Fine, I will get the others home."

Jason reached for the door but paused with his hand on the cold metal handle. I never wanted this. I don't want to be the villain. He stood in the shadow cast by the full moon above. Jason thought back to something old Bob said, 'If there are shadows there must be light'. The moon was still a light even if it was a slave to the dark—like he was.

Aaron reached passed Jason and pulled the door slightly open with a low metal scrape.

Jason let his hand fall back to his side and squeezed through the gap. Inside, the gym was dark except for the ring of light on the furthest practice arena. They were all sitting on the floor laughing loudly.

Aaron patted Jason on the back and walked in.

Jason slowly followed. He frowned when he saw Evelyn but searched for Skylar. She sat right at the edge of the ring of light casting half of her in shadow. Ironic.

Jason felt a tightness in his chest. He knew that all the smiles and laughter would be over once he got there.

Skylar laughed out loud, and Jason stopped. He stood and enjoyed the sound for the few seconds it lasted.

Skylar turned her head and her entire face lit up when her eyes met his. She jumped up and started walking to him.

Jason inhaled sharply and pulled a hand through his hair.

Skylar's smile faltered and her advance slowed to a stop.

"We need to move the festivities. My home is closest so let's crash there tonight." Aaron spoke.

" Aaron spoke

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