Chapter 27 - Ares | Skylar

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I want to fight
So turn and forfeit

— Forfeit by Chevelle 

Skylar had the fight Jason mentioned on her mind all morning

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Skylar had the fight Jason mentioned on her mind all morning. Illegal underground fighting sounded like a place crawling with gangsters. I want in.

Skylar grabbed her phone and called Jessica.

"Hey Sky, you okay after last night?"

"Hi Jess, yeah, I'm fine. Listen, I need a favor." Skylar bit her lip.

"Name it, babe."

"Jason mentioned a fight happening today, I'm wondering if I can tag along?"

Jess sighed. "Sky, he's an idiot, you're not supposed to know about the fighting. No one is supposed to know. I'm sorry, but I don't know if I will be able to get you in."

"Come on Jess, you're a Knight, doesn't that count for something?"

"Now why would you say a thing like that?"

Skylar paused. Jess was the last person she expected to call her out. "People seem to part like the Red Sea for your brother, it's just an observation."

"Right, suppose that's true."

Skylar pinched the bridge of her nose. She would have to play a different card to persuade Jess. "Please, Jess, is there no way to get in?"

Jessica exhaled. "Why do you want to go?"

"I want to see him fight, your brother that is."

Jessica cracked. "Fine, we can get you in, but Sky just know it's seriously grunge and Rachel will be there."

"I'll be fine."

"Meet you at the gym at eight."

"See you then."


Skylar dressed in jeans, a band t-shirt, and a black leather jacket and boots. She stared at herself in the mirror. She looked cold compared to Rachel's warm glow. Vengeance, not romance.

Skylar opened her bedroom door and the yelling immediately hit her. Daniel and Lara were at it again. She sighed and walked straight to Evelyn's room.

Evelyn lay on her bed with her music on full blast.


Evelyn pushed pause on the remote and sat up to look at Skylar. "What?"

"Get dressed, we're going out."

Evelyn frowned. "Why?"

Skylar huffed. "I'm not leaving you here while they rip each other's throats out. Now hurry up."

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