Chapter 24 - Original Rider | Jason

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Crashing to the ground like a runaway train

Staring at the blaze as his life goes up in flames

That man he's a monster

Made a deal with the demons

He's a cold-hearted heathen, yeah 

It's gunpowder season

— That Man Is a Monster by Adam Jensen

The next morning, Jason woke with an anxious knot in his stomach

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The next morning, Jason woke with an anxious knot in his stomach. He had been distracted by the mysterious Skylar, so much so that he neglected the whispers of doubt among the Riders. According to them, Jason was too soft and young to fill his father's shoes. They felt he had yet to address the situation of the attacks, so Jason called for a gathering at the gym to set them straight.

Jason had a quick shower and made his way to the kitchen. He decided to call Jess while he waited for the coffee machine.

"Hello," a male voice answered.

"The Fuck, who's this?"

There was a short pause. "Jason, it's me, Leo..."

Jason glanced at his watch. It was early. He slept over. "Can you put Jess on?"

"She just got out of the shower, hold on..." he said quickly.

"Would it kill you to be civil?" Jess spoke with irritation.

"Yes," Jason deadpanned. "What did Skylar say?"

Jess sighed into the phone. "She declined."

"What, why?"

"She refused."

Jason pulled a hand through his hair. "Jessica, did you ask her nicely? What did you say?"

She huffed. "Of course, I'm not the asshole here. She just didn't want to and told me to tell you to ask her yourself next time."

Jason felt the knot tighten in his stomach. "Thank you, Jess." He hung up.

Skylar was not going to make this easy. If she was the second woman at the dock, she saw me there. The idea made his throat constrict.

Jason was conflicted and frustrated. A dangerous state to be in.

Sam and Aaron showed up with breakfast and Jason filled them in on Skylar's refusal to spar.

"Makes her all the more guilty in my opinion." Aaron mused.

Jason shrugged. "Perhaps, it doesn't change anything."

"You believe her actions to be justified?" Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"She believes her mother was murdered. She's pissed. I know I am." Jason glanced at his watch. "It's time to go."

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