Chapter 33 - Man Behind the Mask | Skylar

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Bury all your secrets in my skin

Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins

The air around me still feels like a cage

And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

— Snuff by Slipknot 

Skylar felt restless after Evelyn left

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Skylar felt restless after Evelyn left. She had to talk to Aaron, but she wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to her. She took a big breath and dialed Jessica.

"Skylar, what was last night about?" Jess skipped the hello.

"Just a minor disagreement, we're both okay."

"Really? Did you guys do the nasty?"

Skylar blushed. "That's none of your business."

"You're not saying no...OMG, you had sex with my brother!"

Skylar facepalmed. "Jess...I need a favor, please?"

"Yes, I will take you lingerie shopping."

"Will you peek your head out of the gutter for a second? I need you to send me the location for Aaron's home, I need to speak to him about something important."

Jess huffed. "Sure, we're all just leaving his place so will drop you a pin, and Skylar?"


"I'm happy for the two of you."

Skylar smiled. "Thanks, don't forget the pin, bye."

"Sending it now, bye."

Skylar's phone beeped with a message from Jessica.


Skylar parked outside Aaron's house, a big Tuscan-style structure built with light sandstone, located in one of the many estates on the outskirts of the city. She was surprised at the simple elegance of the place, no one would ever suspect the owner to be involved in a gang. She sucked in a deep breath and walked up to the front door.

Moments later the door opened to reveal Aaron with a blank expression on his face. He wore black-rimmed glasses, board shorts, and a t-shirt. He looked very different from the few times she saw him.

"Figured it wouldn't take long for you to seek me out." He stepped aside for her to enter.

"I just need to talk to you." She deadpanned.

She followed him into the living room and then paused to stare at the display of monitors on the walls. "Wow, it's like mission control in here." She walked closer to inspect the various gadgets sprawled out on a table to the side.

"Yeah, well I do have a life outside the Riders." He scratched the back of his neck and plopped down into a bean bag.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Very brave, mentioning the Riders, so you just assume Jason told me everything?"

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