Chapter 19 - Fight or Flight | Skylar

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You can try to break me

I cut my teeth on people like you

It's gonna take a lot more to take me down

I'm a step ahead

Watch me wearing my crown

Don't need a knight to guard the cave

Can't count the dragons that I've slayed

You can give it all you got

Cause love is running through my veins

Oh this lion can't be tamed

There's fire in my blood


— Burn by 2WEI & Edda Hayes

Skylar killed her headlights when she neared the looming warehouse

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Skylar killed her headlights when she neared the looming warehouse. It was dark outside, the moon waned to a crescent. She parked the car behind a large shipping container and stepped out into the cool night air. It was deadly silent. The only movement came from the crashing waves and the gravel crunching under the boots of two guards stationed outside the side entrance.

Skylar slipped on a hooded leather jacket and gloves. She carefully made her way towards the entrance, her dart gun in hand.

The guards had their back towards her. They casually stood around chatting, completely unaware.

She shot an aurora dart in the back of each guard. They yelped and whirled around.

She watched them stumbling about before both dropped to the ground.

The inside of the warehouse was dully lit and filled with the smell of smoke and gunpowder. She crouched behind a wooden crate to survey the premises.

There were two men smoking cigars and playing poker at a small table. The single lamp overhead bathed them in a ring of yellow light. She observed the various empty beer bottles littering the floor at their feet.

Three more men were loading crates into a black unmarked van in the far-left corner. A fourth man, visibly armed, was stationed at the main entrance.

Skylar slowly made her way towards the three men loading the crates. She threw an empty beer bottle against a wall. It shattered out of sight behind some containers.

The men glanced up towards the guy at the door. He must be in charge. "You two, go check it out," he nodded his chin in the direction of where the bottle crashed.

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