2 ; bond

36 4 2

"Your assigned seat shall be beside Yoongi. So, Hana, you'll have to move and seat beside your brother," Ms Lee instructed.

Hana took her books and threw them over to Hoseok, who perfectly caught it as if he knew she was going to do that.

"Have fun with the new girl," Hana forced a smile and walked her way to Hoseok.

Eunmi sat down in her place as Yoongi watched her every move. He saw how she lightly tucked her hair behind her ear, her movements were just so soft.

Eunmi caught Yoongi staring, to which she giggled at. She stuck out her hand and caught Yoongi off guard.

"Hello, staring-stranger, what's your name?" she questioned with a warm smile which melted Yoongi. The black haired male took her hand and shook it.

"Min Yoongi,"

"What a cute name, Mini,"


"I'm sorry, I feel more comfortable using nicknames, it makes bonds stronger, no?"

"It's ok. I don't mind,"

Ms Lee's screeching snapped them out of their conversation. "Yoongi! Eunmi! I know you guys are trying to get along, but please pay attention to what I'm saying first,"

"Would you look at that, they're already talking," Hana stated to which Hoseok rolled his eyes at.

"No, Hana, don't get jealous. They're seriously just talking!" Hoseok said and Hana sighed.

"I can't help it,"

"They're table partners now, they can't help but try to get along now,"


Yoongi and Eunmi talked for the rest of the period. They exchanged numbers and passed notes to each other when they were caught talking too many times.

"Let's play a game," Eunmi said.


"I ask a question and you have to answer immediately and ask another question. No pauses,"


"What are your hobbies?"

"Playing the piano, making music. You?"

"I like art. I do it when I have free time. What are your biggest fears?"

"Cows. You?"

"Wait a minute. Cows?"

"Don't judge. And you didn't ask back a question, therefore, I'm victorious,"

"Damn. I didn't last a minute." Eunmi laughed and Yoongi grinned.

Soon, it was recess and the class scattered out of the homeroom.

"Want to eat lunch with me? I have two other friends," Yoongi asked Eunmi and she nodded in response. They made their way to the canteen and found Hoseok and Hana bickering.

Hana noticed them first and her eyes widened.

"Yoongi! It's rare to see you here in the canteen," Hana stated. Eunmi and Yoongi put their lunches on the table and sat down. "You usually stay in class or the rooftop,"

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant