5 ; art

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School went on as usual, except Yoongi had to walk home alone this time. Hana and Hoseok, again, had their mom telling them to come home immediately. That year was after all their last year and their end-of-the-year results determines whether they escape hell or continue suffering.

Yoongi decided to turn left to where Eunmi would go when they separate at the junction. He looked for her house and it turns out her house was at the end of the street, with the only house with the sign stating "Park Residence".

Yoongi debated on whether he should knock on the door or not, as it seemed like no one was home. But Yoongi just stepped on the house mat and knocked three times.

Almost immediately, the door opened to reveal a small male, maybe just a few years younger than Yoongi himself.

"Hi, how can i help you?" the boy had a high pitch voice and Yoongi assumed he was friendly.

"Uuhh, i-is there a Park Eunmi living here?" he asked, scratching the back of his head. It would be embarrassing if he got the wrong house. However, the boy warmly smiled.

"Yes! Are you her friend?" Yoongi nodded.

"Is she here now?" Yoongi wasn't even sure why he had asked that question.

"She's out at the moment and she'll come back in about two hours. Do you wanna come in and wait for her?"

"Sure," With that, the boy stepped aside and allowed Yoongi in. He closed the door and dusted himself.

"I'm Eunmi's cousin, Park Jimin. You?"

"Min Yoongi,"

"Hehe, hi mini,"

Yoongi looked at Jimin who was giving him an eye smile, just like the one Eunmi has. Maybe it runs in the family, Yoongi thought.

Jimin led Yoongi to the couch and he sat down. "I'll get refreshments," the small male then ran to the kitchen.

Yoongi took his time to look around the house from where he was sitting. It was a typical house, the wall decorated with black and white flower decals. There were several pictures hanged around, including pictures of Eunmi when she was younger.

Yoongi stood up and walked towards the pictures. He analyzed details, like how darker Eunmi's hair was back then, but he assumed it was just the quality of the picture. He looked at Eunmi's family picture. They looked like a happy family, all of them eye-smiling.

"She's cute, right?" the sudden voice interrupted Yoongi from his thoughts. He turned around to see Jimin walking towards him. "I always wonder how someone older than me can look cuter," the short male chuckled.

They both sat back down at the couch and started talking, till they both didn't realize two hours was going to pass.


"So Eunmi laughed so hard after listening to Seokjin's dad joke that her nose snorted out the milk she was drinking! It was so gross, dirty water," Jimin cringed in disgust while Yoongi just laughed. The older male enjoyed knowing that the girl he liked had funny memories like this. It made him soft inside. He munched on the mochi Jimin provided while he continued listening to his story.

"Yeah, that was a really fun day until-" Jimin was interrupted by the front door opening.

"Jimin! You didn't lock the door again!" a lady shouted. Yoongi assumed it was Eunmi's mom, so he immediately stood up. Three people appeared into the living room, including a wide eyed Eunmi when she noticed Yoongi was in the same room.

Before Eunmi or Yoongi could do anything, Mrs Park noticed the black haired male and warmly smiled.

"Oh! Eunmi, is this handsome boy your friend?" she giggled. Eunmi looked away and blushed. Yoongi looked away as well. "Yes, that would be it, eomma. That's Min Yoongi,"

Mrs Park then leaned in to Eunmi's ear and failed terribly at whispering. " I want him to be your boyfriend!"

Yoongi nearly choked on the mochi and Eunmi blushed three times harder. "Eomma!"

Meanwhile, Mr Park scrutinized Yoongi from head to toe. "So, Yoongi, why are you doing here?" Before Yoongi could answer, Eunmi grabbed her father's hand.

"He's here so i can tutor him on his weak subjects! You know, i'm smart and i sh-should spread that smartness, r-right?" Eunmi answered. Her father leaned into her ear and turns out, he was terrible at whispering too.

"Aigo, Eunmi. If you want to spend time with your boyfriend, just tell us!" Eunmi could not blush harder than she already was. Yoongi just stood there flustered.

"Yoongi! Come with me upstairs?" Eunmi said with a smile indicating that she was going to kill someone soon. Yoongi hesitantly followed her up the stairs. They entered her bedroom and Yoongi stared in awe. The walls were filled with artworks which the male assumed was created by Eunmi herself, due to the same signature at the corner of every artwork.

"Yoongi? Yoongi!" Eunmi's call snapped him out of his thoughts. The female sighed and sat down on her bed.

"What are you doing here? How did you find my house?"

"I-i was just walking around and i f-found it, and your cousin let me in so i-" Eunmi stopped Yoongi lightly taking his hand.

"Mini-ah, I won't get mad. At you, especially," Eunmi laughed. "Are you scared of some girl so much shorter than you?"

Yoongi looked into her dark brown orbs. You're so much more than 'some girl'. Yoongi wanted to say.

"I-i'll just get home now-"

"No! Stay, now that you're actually here, i can tutor you. Your cousin won't mind, right?"

Yoongi immediately shook his head. He wanted to spend more time with Eunmi.

They both started their tuition session.

It was 5 o'clock when Yoongi decided it was time for him to go home. Eunmi pouted.

"I learned a lot today, Eunmi. Tutor me again ok?" Yoongi grinned.

Eunmi nodded and led him to the front door.

Before he left, he turned back to her.

"Are you sure Jimin's not your brother? He acts just like you,"

"Well, him and i kind of grew up together."

With that, they bid farewell and Yoongi walked the path back home, appreciating the sunset before him. The sunset was one of the most beautiful art Yoongi loved, and so was Eunmi.

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