15 ; call

8 2 4

Eunmi was right, visiting hours were not playing. It was only active while Yoongi was still in school. He was devastated by this, of course, but he was happy he's still be able to call the female and hear her voice.

Eunmi informed Yoongi that her room had moved a level up, in case he miraculously has time to meet her.

"A new stall has opened at the canteen. They're selling sushi!" Hoseok exclaimed while the trio were skyping Eunmi, who smiled at Hoseok's enthusiasm.

"And Ms Lee raged when none of her markers worked. Little did she know, Jackson and his gang poured all of her ink into the toilet's sink," Hana snickered. All of them had a laughing fit.

After it quieten down, Yoongi looked at Eunmi who was painting while telling the story of how she got a scar on her right leg.

"-So fucking Park Jimin took a sharp ass ruler and began chasing me with it. He thought it was a smart idea to play 'doctor' on my leg, but i refused," she said. "I was eight while he was six. Why would i have a six year old conduct an operation on me?"

Yoongi smiled warmly. "How are you holding up, mimi?"

Eunmi eyes averted to the camera, a little bit shocked of the sudden nickname. Yoongi used it rarely, saying he liked Eunmi's name.

"I-i'm fine. Doctors said i'll be free in no time," she mentioned and the trio cheered.

"We miss you, Mimi, especially Yoongi," Hana whined.

Just then, Nurse Lisa entered the camera's view, gleaming. "Sorry to tell you that 30 minutes is up!"

Eunmi and the trio smiled sadly and they said their goodbyes.

Yoongi was going to switch off his handphone that was used for the video call when he got a message.

mimi: call at 10pm?

minsuga: sure

The male replied almost immediately.


Yoongi had bump into Jimin on the way home. They walked together on the same path, since Jimin was staying over at the Park's. Yoongi was grinning from ear to ear. He then asked how Jimin felt about Eunmi being released from the hospital soon.

"You should be really excited, right? She's after all like your sister," he ruffled the younger's hair, who didn't seem to give a reaction.

"Yeah, i'm really happy," Jimin said in a monotonous voice and Yoongi's smile faltered.

"What's the matter?"

Jimin looked at him, a little bit shocked. "Nothing, it's just that these groceries are really heavy. You're my hyung, help me!"

Aish, this kid.

He grabbed the bags from the short male, who smiled contently.  They soon reached the Park's residence after turning left at the junction.

"Thank you, mini hyung~" Jimin sweetly said as he took the bags from the older.

Yoongi smiled and made his way home.


"Did you know that we've only seen our own faces only in reflections and pictures? That makes my mind blown," Eunmi mentioned as the two of them had their 10pm call.

"Wow," Yoongi gave out a small laugh.

"What are you doing?" Eunmi asked.

"Just laying in bed, talking to you. You?"

She stayed quiet for a while.

"I'm just at my bed, too... finishing the painting. It's almost done, maybe i'll show it to you tomorrow!" she enthusiastically mentioned.

They talked through the night, till Yoongi had fallen asleep without ending the call.

Eunmi smiled warmly, hearing the male's quiet snores.

"Looks like the beauty has fallen asleep," she chuckled. She was about to press the red button to end the call, but she hesitated. She slowly brought the phone to her ear.

"I love you."


"Yoongi? Yoongi!" Yoongi was startled awake. He looked to his bedroom window and saw an angry Hana, knocking. Their houses were touching each other, she could literally climb out and break into his house.

"Idiot! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" she shouted. Yoongi cursed under his breath and proceeded to get ready for school.

The twins were waiting at his door when he left his house. Hana was fuming while Hoseok honestly couldn't care.

"Hana-ah. Sorry~" Yoongi begged for forgiveness while putting his hands together. Hana wouldn't look at him.

"Stop. We're going to be late," she grabbed his arm and pulled him to walk faster while Hoseok just sucked on his lollipop.

They sat down at their classroom and once again, Eunmi wasn't there. He made a mental note to ask how Eunmi was doing.

Their lunch was the same time as their 'visiting' time with Eunmi. They tried calling her, but to no avail.

mimi: sorry guys, not today.

They pouted and continued eating their lunch.

They decided to try after school, sneakily rebelling the rules. This time they called her, not wanting to make so much noise and cause Eunmi any trouble.

The other line picked up.

"Hey Eunmi!" the three of them squealed.

There was no reply.

"Hello? Eunmi?" Yoongi voiced out.

"...Min Yoongi?" To their surprise, Mrs Park's voice appeared. Yoongi quickly switched the speaker mode and put the phone to his ear.

"Mrs Park? I'm sorry to bother you, is Eunmi there?" he asked cheerfully.

There was dead silence.

then a choked sob.

"i'm sorry."

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ